General Issies

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  • Phoenixc

    • Jan 2008
    • 32

    General Issies

    Hi All

    I have two general issues.

    The first problem was brought up recently regarding pages not displaying once you have updated and republished. The republished pages (Index and C-Bar link) show up fine on my laptop at home but when anybody else checks to see the changes they can not see them. Now there was an email sent by BlueVoda to enter a code in Page HTML under Bodyhead if im correct? I did that for all the pages and the same thing is still happening, I can see the changes but when I check from work I cant. Am I doing something wrong. I have not had this issue before

    Second thing is how to make a submit button work? I toyed around with it last night but I dnt know how to link it to say a page with the text Thank you for your application.

    my site is

    If there is anything else people seee that could be changed on the site please llet me know, I like getting advice on changes.

    kind regards,

  • Phoenixc

    • Jan 2008
    • 32

    Re: General Issues

    I should have mentioned above the changes that are not showing on the Index page are:

    Above the grey area with the 4 picture in it I added a large image with the text C-Bar Games in yellow writing and white background and scrolling text underneath but it is not showing.


    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: General Issies

      Hi, common problem! I see the attached image of your page area you mentioned. VH may of given you a code to stop caching, but cant see it on your page.???? But as a temp fix, try hitting F5 when you have the problem page open in your browser window.
      Attached Files
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • Tiger_Tank

        • May 2008
        • 32

        Re: General Issies

        Hi, you can also try cleaning up your cookies and temp folders because a web page is catch-ed in your cookies and temp folder to increase loading time it loads the default page from your cookies and temps most of the time hitting F5 works but there are occasions were you need to empty your cookies and temp. Just note that all your other pages etc will be lost too unless you go into your folders and just erase the necessary folders. hope it works out okay

        Semper fi....

