email and forms

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  • findach
    Second Lieutenant

    • Jul 2005
    • 143

    email and forms


    i have a form on all my web sites where people can sign up for a free puppy traing guide ebook. at the moment i get the email address they supplied via a form, and then email everyone individualy about an hour later with the ebook attached, and a special offer to join the sites for £1 instead of £4.99 if they havent already joined.

    is there anyway to put this on a automated system so that once they have submited thier form 1 hr later they recive the ebook and special offer. i dont want it sent out straight away as obviously i want them to pay the full joining fee of £4.99, and most people sign up for the book before pressing the 'join now' button.

    any help would be great as its using up my whole day sending out emails!

    ps: can you please confirm that this is not spam??? i hope its not.

  • findach
    Second Lieutenant

    • Jul 2005
    • 143

    Re: email and forms

    as an example see and click on chihuahuas


    • Watdaflip
      Major General

      • Sep 2005
      • 2116

      Re: email and forms

      You can use php to do this, although it will take some time to learn what you require for it. If you were to use paypal, you can have people create an account, they then pay you through paypal, and it will link back to the site where you can mark their account as a paying member and have the email sent out. That way you don't have to wait an hour, paypal is pretty much instant. It would be a fairly simple thing to set up, but I don't know if this is the direction you were wanting to head

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      • findach
        Second Lieutenant

        • Jul 2005
        • 143

        Re: email and forms

        no thats not really what i mean. i already use a payment gateway 'protx' for all my members signup and i us pp to give password an username. thats all sorted.

        what i mean is. anyone who visits the FREE site can sign up for a free puppy traning download. so they enter thier email address into the box, and its sent me me on a form via email. i need it to send an hour later as its got the £1 special offer on it, which if someone hasent joined within an hour of visiting the site you have lost them anyway so a £1's a £1! ie: most people sign up on thier first visit to the site for the full £4.99. if they didnt they get an email offering them to join for a £1

        am not really sure if im saying this right? but hope you get what i mean.


        • VodaHost
          General & Forum Administrator

          • Mar 2005
          • 12356

          Re: email and forms

          Click Here for information on email marketing. It is the exact same
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          • findach
            Second Lieutenant

            • Jul 2005
            • 143

            Re: email and forms

            cheers pab

