So i was wondering because I'm sort of new to BlueVoda and was wondering if I needed to make a new page for everything that I am going to be having on my website.Please help me Asap.
Re: Pages
A web site is a series of seperate pages linked together, the first and most important page is your home page, also known as the landing page. You save this page as index (nothing else), you want this page to express what your site is all about. It should be informitive, well layed out, easy to navigate and inviting. Plan out how many pages you are going to have on your site, home page, photos, products, order forms, about us and so on. Then you can set up your menus, be sure to have the menus the same on every page, in the same place. each page should have the same look and feel as your home page. Planning is the key, work it out on paper, complete with page names before you start and it will help a lot. Hope this helps and gives you a place to start.
Re: Pages
Ok to link the pages you can use buttons, text, pictures, or logos. If you want a button to link to your contact page. Double click the button, and fill in the boxes. next click the link tab and type in, dont put any spaces between words, if you want to seperate them use underscores. Now create a page called and "save as" contact_page. There you just linked the pages, to check that it is correct go to tools and click verify links. If all is good publish (each one seperately). To link text to a page, highlight the text and click the link icon at the top of the builder. then follow the same procedure as before.
Semper Fi
Still green...still mean......just not as lean
Red Hawk Archery
Zone 5 Photo