Unexpected file format message

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  • dancersk

    • Aug 2006
    • 24

    Unexpected file format message

    Last week the hard drive on my computer went bad and had to be replaced. When I got it back I had to redownload BlueVoda website builder. I have version 8.0.1 now. Previously I had 8.0.
    I had a backup of 8.0 and I tried to reinstall that version, but it keeps asking me to insert a disk. I don't have a disk for the website builder. It was a download way back when I first joined.
    I now tried to open the index page using version 8.0.1 to do some revision to it and I get a message that says "unexpected file format" and the page will not open. All of my pages say that when I try to go open them in the BlueVoda website builder 8.0.1.
    Do you know what has happened or what I need to do to fix the problem?

  • jkadin
    Brigadier General

    • Jan 2008
    • 1478

    Re: Unexpected file format message

    I would download the newest version of blue voda, then go to cpanel and go to backups and download your pages from there to your computer tis way you should have no problem accessing your files.
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