Don't know how to do it

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    First Lieutenant

    • Feb 2006
    • 192


    Don't know how to do it

    I hope someone can help with this.When I go to my website on google the front page has a grey box with a check ratio thing on it and I don't know how to remove it .I went to their website and asked how to remove it and got nowhere.Can someone please take a look and tell me what to do ?
    Thanks two cats
  • Sunchaser
    First Lieutenant

    • Nov 2007
    • 199

    Re: Don't know how to do it

    Hi Two Cats

    It looks like you have put the seochat code between the HEAD html on your homepage.

    Open your bluevoda homepage for your site, rig***lick and then click on Page HTML - remove the code from between the head tags. (Highlight and delete it)

    Then save and publish the page.

    Hope that helps


    • Sunchaser
      First Lieutenant

      • Nov 2007
      • 199

      Re: Don't know how to do it

      The other thing you might have done is to put the code from seochat into a html box directly on your homepage? If so, you would just delete the html box and republish.
      (Sorry, meant to add that before, but was on my way out.)


      • Lolpout
        Second Lieutenant

        • Jul 2008
        • 100

        Re: Don't know how to do it

        sun beat me to it :/
        but, yes do what she said.
        Z0mg it burned!


        • CarbonTerry
          Major General

          • Oct 2005
          • 2620

          Re: how do i remove this?

          This is a form page? It must be published as php and not html
          Semper Fi
          Still green...still mean......just not as lean

          Red Hawk Archery
          Zone 5 Photo
          My USMC


          • Collectors-info

            • Feb 2006
            • 8703

            Re: how do i remove this?

            Hi, this is either in a html box on your page or in one of the page properties tabs. This is the part to remove.

            <!-- BEGIN Developer Shed™ Network's Code to Text Ratio -->
            <!-- Copyright 2001-2008 Developer Shed™, LLC All Rights Reserved -->

            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td valign="top">
            <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="16" height="16"><img src="" width="16" height="16"></td>
            <td width="130" height="16" background=""><img src="****.gif" width="130" height="16"></td>
            <td width="118" height="16" background=""><img src="****.gif" width="150" height="16"></td>
            <td width="40" background=""><img src="****.gif" width="40" height="16"></td>
            <td width="18" height="16"><img src="" width="16" height="16"></td>
            <td height="30" background=""> </td>
            <td class=toolbox width="*" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" colspan=2 valign=top>
            <B><font size=+1>Code to Text Ratio Tool</font></b> © <a href="">SEO Chat™</a>
            <font size="2" face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
            <form action="" method="GET" name="form"><input type=hidden name=go value=1><input tabindex=1 type="hidden" name="option" value="com_seotools"><input tabindex=2 type="hidden" name="tool" value="16"><p><b>URL</b><br>Valid URL to check<br><input type=text tabindex=3 name="url" size=32 value=""><p><b>Enter Captcha To Continue</b><br>To prevent spamming, please enter in the numbers and letters in the box below<br><input type=text tabindex=4 name="imageverify" size=32 value=""><input tabindex=5 type="hidden" name="timehsh" value="425477714a546f3d"><p><img src= border=1><p><input tabindex=6 type=submit name="toolsubmit" id="toolsubmit" value="Check Ratio"><p><a rel="nofollow" href=""><font color="#0000FF"><b>Report Problem with Tool.</b></font></a></form>
            <td width="40" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"></td>
            <td width="18" background=""> </td>
            <td width="16"><img src="" width="16" height="16"></td>
            <td colspan="3" width="*" height="16" background=""><img src="****.gif" width="16" height="16"></td>
            <td width="18"><img src="" width="16" height="16"></td>

            <!-- END Developer Shed™ Network's Code to Text Ratio -->
            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project


            • TWO CATS
              First Lieutenant

              • Feb 2006
              • 192

              Re: Don't know how to do it

              Thanks everyone I'll see how I go .You guys just know so much .
              Thanks again
              two cats


              • TWO CATS
                First Lieutenant

                • Feb 2006
                • 192

                Re: Don't know how to do it

                OK I checked all the HTML for each page there is no reference to devshed.I checked each photo as well because if I look at preview and click on a photo the page comes up with that seochat box.I don't know where else to look .any suggestions please?
                two cats
                also in preview it does not show up on the home page but if I go through google it does, so confusing


                • Sunchaser
                  First Lieutenant

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 199

                  Re: Don't know how to do it

                  This must be so annoying for you!

                  It's definitely there. See for yourself - When you have your homepage up on Google, click on 'View' on your browser and then 'source' and scroll down - you will see the code that collectors-info pasted in above.
                  It begins with : <!-- BEGIN Developer Shed™ Network's Code to Text Ratio -->

                  Could it be hiding under your background? Try deleting your background and pictures and see if there is a HTML box under them. If there is - delete it. (make a copy of your homepage first)

                  Also - you say that when you click on a photo in preview, that's when you see it?
                  In Blue Voda, get your homepage up. Rig***lick on each photo - and look at the properties - see if there is any code in any of the fields (under General, Link and Events)
                  If you see anything there, delete it - and republish.


                  • karenwms63

                    • Feb 2008
                    • 865

                    Re: Don't know how to do it

                    Originally posted by Sunchaser View Post
                    Hi Two Cats

                    Open your bluevoda homepage for your site, right click and then click on Page HTML - remove the code from between the head tags. (Highlight and delete it)

                    Then save and publish the page.

                    Hope that helps
                    Page HTML is not the same as properties and is the last item on the list when you right click. So...

                    In the Bluevoda builder, open the index page.

                    Make sure you are not on one of your items that you put on the page (you want an empty spot) when you right click, so that you are getting the info for the page itself.

                    Click on Page HTML.

                    Then click on the tab that says "between head tag".

                    Above the top of the tabs, the code in black is the code that the builder generated for you using properties boxes. Any code that you pasted in the page html will show in blue colored text there.

                    You will see in the box, under that tab, all the code that you copied and pasted to the page without using the properties box of a page element like a html box, text box, etc.

                    Make sure you click on the correct tab or it won't show for you to edit.

                    It should be the only thing in the box below the "between head tag" tab because I can't see anything else in the "view source" that would show up there.

                    This is where you will need to highlight and delete the code that looks like what Collectors-info posted above to show you what to look for (just click on the box like you are going to start typing, then right click on this box and select all, then right click and delete).

                    Then save, publish and go on web to see if it is still there.

                    Most likely this is where you will find the code that you couldn't see before.
                    Karen Williams
                    Your Belief is Your Reality


                    • TWO CATS
                      First Lieutenant

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 192

                      Re: Don't know how to do it

                      I did everythimg you said and still couldn't find it ,so I went to the site through google to view source and deleted it from there I don't know how that works but when I re-published it is gone or at least on my screen .Could someone please check to see if it has really gone? should you be able to delete on view source? It just asked if I wanted to save the change to the site and I said yes .Very strange
                      two cats


                      • karenwms63

                        • Feb 2008
                        • 865

                        Re: Don't know how to do it

                        Aww snap! You fixed it! Way to Go!

                        Inquiring minds want to know how you fixed it....

                        Good Job!
                        Karen Williams
                        Your Belief is Your Reality


                        • karenwms63

                          • Feb 2008
                          • 865

                          Re: Don't know how to do it

                          No you shouldn't be able to edit from view source!

                          Not understanding the phrase "through google" you mean Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.?
                          Like a browser...internet surfing?
                          Karen Williams
                          Your Belief is Your Reality


                          • karenwms63

                            • Feb 2008
                            • 865

                            Re: Don't know how to do it

                            Or do you mean Preview? (in the builder, itself)?
                            Karen Williams
                            Your Belief is Your Reality


                            • karenwms63

                              • Feb 2008
                              • 865

                              Re: Don't know how to do it

                              I don't think you are where you need to be to edit properly. I tried to *******te and got a w w w . m a g i c palette[1] notepad that I could edit and save but it is only saved in my computer's temporary internet files. And it asked me if I wanted to save the changes....

                              To do this right you must actually have the builder open, and open the page, and make changes, and use the publish button in the builder...I haven't ever had it ask me if I wanted to save changes during publishing process.

                              and while reenacting what you did, my bv builder had issue and had to shut down....are you having that same thing happen to you?
                              Last edited by karenwms63; 08-02-2008, 04:26 AM. Reason: blech
                              Karen Williams
                              Your Belief is Your Reality

