Can someone help me with this html?

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  • Lolpout
    Second Lieutenant

    • Jul 2008
    • 100

    Can someone help me with this html?

    Ok I need to have this welcome message Once per browser session. Could some one code this for me?

    <xml:namespace ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" prefix="v"/>
    <style type="text/css">
    v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }
    <script type="text/javascript">
    * 3D Spinning Message Script- By Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Gehrig
    * Website:
    * Script available at/modified by Dynamic Drive (
    * This notice must stay intact for use

    // Add as many messages as you like
    var message=new Array("Dynamic Drive", "#1 DHTML site online", "Visit us for free scripts", "Enjoy")
    // Set the outline-color. Add as many colors as you like
    var outlinecolor=new Array("black", "black")
    // Set fillcolors 1. Add as many colors as you like
    var fillcolor1=new Array("gray", "green", "white", "green")
    // Set fillcolors 2. Add as many colors as you like
    var fillcolor2=new Array("blue", "olive", "black", "lime")
    // Set the letter marking the circle
    var circlemark=new Array("-")
    // Set the width of the outline
    var strkweight=2
    // Set the waiting time between the messages (seconds)
    var pause=2
    // Set the strength of the opacity (transparency of letters)
    var strengthopacity="60%"
    // Set the size of the circle (values range from 0.1 to 1)
    var circlesize=0.5
    // Always keep messages in view even if page is scrolled? (DD added option)
    var keepinview="yes"
    // Do not edit below this line
    mytruebody=(!window.opera && document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body //Dynamicdrive added object
    var outerwidth=mytruebody.clientWidth
    var outerheight=mytruebody.clientHeight
    var innerwidth=Math.floor(circlesize*outerwidth)
    var innerheight=Math.floor(circlesize*outerheight)
    var posleft=(outerwidth-innerwidth)/2
    var postop=(outerheight-innerheight)/2
    var path=new Array()
    var i_message=0
    var i_outlinecolor=0
    var i_fillcolor1=0
    var i_fillcolor2=0
    var i_messagelength=0
    var longestmessage=0
    var ie=document.getElementById&&document.all?1:0
    for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) {
    if (message[i].length>longestmessage) {
    for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) {
    var emptyspace=""
    var i_emptyspace=(longestmessage-message[i].length)/2
    for (ii=0;ii<=i_emptyspace;ii++) {
    message[i]=emptyspace+" "+message[i]+" "+emptyspace
    function changeform() {
    if (keepinview=="yes") //DD added
    document.getElementById("roofid") body.scrollTop //DD added
    if (i_outlinecolor >= outlinecolor.length) {i_outlinecolor=0}
    if (i_fillcolor1 >= fillcolor1.length) {i_fillcolor1=0}
    if (i_fillcolor2 >= fillcolor2.length) {i_fillcolor2=0}
    document.getElementById('strokeid').color=outlinec olor[i_outlinecolor]
    document.getElementById('fillid').color2=fillcolor 2[i_fillcolor2]
    if (i_message < message.length) {tick()}
    else {document.getElementById('textpathid').string=""
    document.getElementById("roofid").style.display="n one" //DD added
    function tick() {
    if (i_messagelength <= message[i_message].length) {
    var messagestringend=""
    var messagestring=message[i_message].substring(0, i_messagelength)+messagestringend
    document.getElementById('textpathid').string=messa gestring
    var timer=setTimeout("tick()",50)
    else {
    var timer=setTimeout("changeform()",pause)

    if (ie) {
    document.write('<div id="roofid" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:'+ outerwidth+'px;height:'+outerheight+'px;overflow:h idden;">')
    document.write('<v:oval id="tc" style="position:absolute;top:'+postop+'px;left:'+p osleft+'px;width:'+innerwidth+'px;height:'+innerhe ight+'px">')
    document.write('<v:shadow on="t" opacity="'+strengthopacity+'"/>')
    document.write('<v:stroke id="strokeid" weight="'+strkweight+'pt" color="blue"/>')
    document.write('<v:fill id="fillid" on="True" color="'+fillcolor1[0]+'" color2="'+fillcolor2[0]+'" opacity="'+strengthopacity+'" opacity2="'+strengthopacity+'" type="gradient"/>')
    document.write('<v:path textpathok="t"/>')
    document.write('<v:textpath id="textpathid" on="t" id="mytp" style="font-family:\'Arial Black\'; " fitpath="t" string=""/>')
    if (window.attachEvent) //DD added code
    window.attachEvent("onload", changeform) //DD added code
    Z0mg it burned!
  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: Can someone help me with this html?

    Well.. yes.. I could do it.. however, the instructions or example is not listed here.. but..this line:

    var message=new Array("Dynamic Drive", "#1 DHTML site online", "Visit us for free scripts", "Enjoy")

    Is where you put your messages inside quotes seperated by a comma and a space..

    this line is where you put your outline colors i would assume for the text

    var outlinecolor=new Array("black", "black")

    And this would be the fill colors for your text..

    var fillcolor1=new Array("gray", "green", "white", "green")

    And this line you assign a letter to start the circle or spin.. i would assume

    var circlemark=new Array("-")
    Replace the - with a letter..

    save and embed entire code



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    • Lolpout
      Second Lieutenant

      • Jul 2008
      • 100

      Re: Can someone help me with this html?

      I couldn't get the last line part, and i knew the top, but It wouldnt work, so I tried to embed it but couldnt find out how.
      Z0mg it burned!

