Creating Member Areas and Classifieds. Please Help!!

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  • shana_michelle

    • Jul 2008
    • 4

    Creating Member Areas and Classifieds. Please Help!!

    Hi there,
    I would like to add a classifieds section and a members area to my website,
    For the classifieds I would like a search engine and I also need people to be able to add and manage their own classifieds. I would like their adds to appear on the classifieds page automatically and function with the search.
    Also for the Members Area I need them to have access to parts of my site that others don't when they log in and access member discounts. How can I do this?
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Creating Member Areas and Classifieds. Please Help!!

    You are mixin different issues here.

    Classifieds: this needs a server side script. There are many classifieds scripts on the net, both free and paid for. Google it.

    Members Area: you can do it in two ways: with a password protected folder, which you can setup through your CP. This is a free and pretty secure method. However, you will need to manually create the username/password, and mail them to the users.
    With a login script. Have a look at


    Also, Login Script by Watdaflip

    There are also many more in the net, free and paid for.

    Discounts: since these scripts are usually independent, it will be hard to have them "cooperate". I mean, the classifieds script will (usually) NOT recognize the "membership" because it is setup in another script. But, probably, a good Classifieds script will allow for Discount coupons, so you can setup these coupons in the Login script pages, and the members can then use it in the Classifieds part of the site in order to get the discount.
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