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You need to add them to the menu. Go to the navigation and there you will see a list of your pages .. hilite them and then click the arrow to add them to the left side
<just looked and thats NOT a soho site>
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Double click your navigation menu and change the URL for each of the items on the list. Example:
You saved your About Us pages about_us (I was able to pull it up directly by trial and error). Double click About Us from the list and in the URL box, insert
Do this for all of your links, changing the last part (about_us.html) to whatever the other pages were saved as.
Karen means that this part of the forum is for Soholaunch websites. If you still need help with this issue, go here and just copy/paste the question from here or write a new one.
i mean that the template there was not built or incorportated into the soholaunch builder. YOu cant just upload a template and make it work with soho without modifying it.. and that site.. is not BUILT with soholaunch.
VodaHost Your Website People!
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02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia