Can someone give me help on tables in BlueVoda Builder?
I want to build a page with 5 rows and 3 columns.
1st row, header/logo 940px wide by 140px high merged.
2nd row, top nav 940px wide by 30px high merged.
3rd row with 3 columns:
1st column, left side nav 200px wide expands height by content.
2nd column, content 540px wide expands height by content.
3rd column, right side adds 200px wide expands height by content.
4ht row, bottom nav, 940px wide by 30px high.
5th row, copyright, 940px wide by 20px high.
My problem is I canβt get row 3 to adjust or fix the column widths
to 200px-540px-200px.
I have tried editing in table properties, and cell properties, no editing available to change cell size is available.
I have tried editing in table HTML, and cell HTML, with before tag, inside tag, and after tag. The result in BlueVoda Builder shows no change, but when previewing in browser I get double tables, and the cell and /or columns sizes did not change. I used three different browsers with the same result. (e.g., IE8.0.6001, Friefox3.0.4 and Opera9.51).
User ID: tkunfvoz
I want to build a page with 5 rows and 3 columns.
1st row, header/logo 940px wide by 140px high merged.
2nd row, top nav 940px wide by 30px high merged.
3rd row with 3 columns:
1st column, left side nav 200px wide expands height by content.
2nd column, content 540px wide expands height by content.
3rd column, right side adds 200px wide expands height by content.
4ht row, bottom nav, 940px wide by 30px high.
5th row, copyright, 940px wide by 20px high.
My problem is I canβt get row 3 to adjust or fix the column widths
to 200px-540px-200px.
I have tried editing in table properties, and cell properties, no editing available to change cell size is available.
I have tried editing in table HTML, and cell HTML, with before tag, inside tag, and after tag. The result in BlueVoda Builder shows no change, but when previewing in browser I get double tables, and the cell and /or columns sizes did not change. I used three different browsers with the same result. (e.g., IE8.0.6001, Friefox3.0.4 and Opera9.51).
User ID: tkunfvoz