image aspect ratio

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  • mindbedner

    • Jan 2009
    • 29

    image aspect ratio

    I want to insert a series of photos on a page, then hyperlink each individual photo to a separate page that has a "lightbox" of several more related photos. How best should I do that?

    Right now I'm thinking I need to insert each photo individually to the main page and hyperlink each one to their respective pages. Is that right or is there a better way?

    When I insert an image, how do I maintain its aspect ratio while reducing its size down? I see how to do that in "lightbox" but not for an individual image.

    thanks again
  • Watdaflip
    Major General

    • Sep 2005
    • 2116

    Re: image aspect ratio

    Based on what I know of BV (I don't use it) you are probably approaching it correctly.

    I don't know if BV has this feature, but most programs that allow you to resize an image do, and that is hold down Shift while you are dragging one of the corners of an image and it should hold its aspect ratio.

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    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: image aspect ratio

      hi, correct if using the light box.
      With maintaining aspect of an image, use the percentage option for reducing in most programs, or just choose a single hight or width of the size you want the image to be, & most programs will automatically maintain the aspect of the other dimension.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • mindbedner

        • Jan 2009
        • 29

        Re: image aspect ratio

        I have tried holding the shift key while dragging one of the corners. It doesn't hold the aspect ratio.

        I have looked for percentage and height/width/size entering options. Nothing found.

        Any other ideas?

        Thank you


        • Collectors-info

          • Feb 2006
          • 8703

          Re: image aspect ratio

          I have looked for percentage and height/width/size entering options. Nothing found.
          This is assuming you are using something like photoshop. Vodahost supply a good image reducer "Pixresizer". Or there is gimp & paint as freebies.
          Regards Chris.

          Collectables, Collecting,

          House build project

