re-publishing web site

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  • barry6595

    • Aug 2009
    • 2

    re-publishing web site

    I want to re-do my entire website ( Do I have to delete everything I have on there now or can I just make an entirely new site and publish the new pages that I make?
  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: re-publishing web site

    Create a new folder inside your BV folder to save your new site in. IE: site 2.
    It might be a good idea if you want to keep your SE ranking to name new your pages the same as your old ones if the site is just a big overhaul of the existing one. (But remember to save to new folder)
    So create a new index page & save it in the new folder & the same with "photos" & so on.
    When your ready, just publish the new pages to your server the same as before & it will overwrite the pages that are there at the moment.

    Tip on your new pages would be to only stretch the main site image to a maximum of 985 wide to save visitors having a lot of side scroll. You have it set @ 700px × 600px (scaled to 1101px × 634px) & is a bit wide for many screens.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • travlinman

      • Feb 2009
      • 443

      Re: re-publishing web site

      Aside from what Chris said, it is also a good idea 2 create a new folder on ur server and call it something like test (, so u can publish ur changed pages without affecting ur present site. When u have completed the redo of the site or any 1 page and have no bugs in it; u can publish it to the public_html folder. This way ur site has no downtime.

      TIP: I have a permanent test folder which I use for all my posts in this forum; that way in 6 months from now when someone reads 1 of my post they see the page (pagename.html) I was having problems with and the corrected page (posted with a different name (pagename2.html or pagename3.html))

      Comunidad Aguycan Beach

      A great must do for all beginners by Lincslady


      • barry6595

        • Aug 2009
        • 2

        Re: re-publishing web site

        Thank you all for the help. I appreciate it.

