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Images on Other Computers / Coulours Change / Hyperlinking objects other than text

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  • Images on Other Computers / Coulours Change / Hyperlinking objects other than text

    I'm from Sydney, NSW, Australia and currently attending my first term of Year 12 (my final year) of high school. Myself, and a few of my friends and peers have chosen to make a website for our major project for Design and Technology and have chosen to use BlueVoda to do it. We all have a common problem, I have my own problem, and one of my friends has his own problem.

    1) Our common problem is that when we edit our sites on computers other than our usual one, the images can't be found by the program. And all the school computers are set up the same, so our USB drives are ALWAYS G: drive. And we edit straight to our USB drives (we never move our files off them). This becomes a problem on days that we're timetabled into other computers, or working on it at home, because we can't get a real sense of what the final product will look like (unless we re-browse for the images, and then next lesson re-browse again, which wastes alot of valuable time). It also becomes a problem because until we get our sites hosted, we won't be able to take it to professional website designers, which is a large chunk of our mark (feedback from professionals). Can anyone tell us what is happening (why it happens) and what we can do about it?

    2) My personal problem is that all the shapes on my pages are supposed to be different colours, and are in BlueVoda. But when I preview, they all turn the colour of the most recently added shape. If I add a new one, they all become that colour. If I remove the most recently added one, they all become the colour of the next most recently added shape. Once again, Can anyone tell me what is happening (why it happens) and what I can do about it?

    3) My friends personal problem is that he can't hyperlink objects other than text. He sets it up properly (opens the object properties, clicks the hyperlink button, types the target, etc.), But when he previews, it doesn't even come up with the hand as if it's a hyperlink. Also, a common problem to all of us, in hyperlinks that do work, they are to .bvp files (we won't fix them to our URL until we host it, because we want it to be functional for now), but because it's to a .bvp, we can't click the link in preview and just preview the taget page, because it's not in our Temp files (and Explorer can't open .bvp files. Is there anything that we can do to circumvent this?

    Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    Re: Images on Other Computers / Coulours Change / Hyperlinking objects other than tex

    1. It is not just the drive path that needs to be exactly the same, but the folder and source paths as well. You need to duplicate the entire folder/file structure on each computer with all the Contents to preserve the original paths.

    2. Download the latest stable distributed version of Blue Voda, to assure you do not have a version that was compromised via a connection glitch during downlaod: BlueVoda Version 11.4

    3. Links must be actually Published before they become 'active,' and of course, a Blue Voda created website can only be published to a hosting account server at VodaHost. The Blue Voda created files (.bvp) cannot successfully be converted or re-formatted to be useful elsewhere: until your BV pages are actually Published to a VH server, only Blue Voda itself can open the files to be viewed, updated, or Previewed (which uses IE as the local browser).
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Images on Other Computers / Coulours Change / Hyperlinking objects other than tex

      A little bit more work! But you could upload the images to you server & then just link to an image via a html box. Like the html below. You might have to size the html box to the image size to help get the right page layout. Pop the code below into a html box & view.

      <img src="" alt="Totteridge Lane N20 cottage" align="top" border="0" style="width:448px;height:336px;">
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project

