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Images overlapping my Text after publishing

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  • Images overlapping my Text after publishing

    Does anyone know why the following occurs?
    I wasn't even aware until a friend told me the problem.

    I have a long sales page, consisting of text and many youtube videos.

    Everything looks fine in BlueVoda. And after I publish, everything looks fine in either IE or Firefox. (I'm laying out and testing the above url before I switch it to just "index" from my current page.)

    I had a friend look at it, and she tells me her computer is showing overlaps on all videos over the texts, except the first one. The videos have all moved up on the page, either by a few lines, or massively up the page.

    So I check it out at a local library computer, and there, all the images, except the first one, have all moved up the page in huge amounts, including some text near the bottom (an area where I had to start with a new "text" box. Also, a series of checkmarks, using the image icon box, have all moved up the page.

    I have no idea how to fix all of this, or why it is happening... or why my computer shows everything is fine when checked after publishing.

    I noticed a couple other shorter web pages of mine are doing this a bit also, where the video has moved up covering a few lines of the paragraph above.

    I use the HTML box from BV and embed a YouTube code into it, and then drag the HTML box on top of the text box, where I have made space for the box to fit. Basically, hitting the return on the keyboard to create a gap between paragraphs, and then placing the HTML box there.
    The shorter webpage, I use 2 text boxes, and placed the image between the two, and it still moved up couple lines.

    I publish right from BV, using the publish button icon. It does take several times for my computer to publish a long page such as this (usually "times out"), and when it does its working at it for over a minute or so. Only working with 1GB of RAM and 160GB Hard Drive. Could this be a factor... takes so long that it publishes all the information out of order?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Re: Images overlapping my Text after publishing

    tell your friend to take a screen shot of the overlap. i just checked it on IE and all looked ok. if you can show us the overlap, maybe we could help.


    • #3
      Re: Images overlapping my Text after publishing

      Thanks for checking the site. Did it show the text on a white background that was layered over a light blue background? The white background for all the text was also missing on IE, but not Firefox. (Looked like all the text, etc, was sitting on blue background only.)

      I can probably tell my friend how to take a screen shot, but I'm not sure how she should send it to me so that it can appear here in this message.


      • #4
        Re: Images overlapping my Text after publishing

        There may be 2 overlaps.

        Work from home and the second one is Global Network Resorts.

        Try re-adjusting the player a bit lower.
        Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
        State of Johor.



        • #5
          Re: Images overlapping my Text after publishing

          Thanks for taking a look.
          Yes, I have already adjusted the vids lower a couple times, but they seem to change position depending on what computer someone has. When I tried viewing from a Library computer, the position of many of the videos moved up and right on top of entire paragraphs. That's a couple inches! Frustrating, I can't predict the positioning of these vids. They are simply not staying in place. Same result with the "photo gallary". It's the line of photos near bottom. Moved up covering the previous paragraph, at least at the Library computer. But my computer shows everything is in the right place. Crazy.
          I hate to think I might have to hire a webmaster to create something from scratch, if this isn't figured out.
          Do appreciate your feed back.

