Uploading Quicktime Videos

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  • ccarey419

    • Jan 2009
    • 26

    Uploading Quicktime Videos

    I am trying to upload a new page with a QuickTime video in it.

    I keep getting the error:

    Internet exception erro 12003
    226 file sucessfully transferred
    226 780.324 seconds (measured here), 145.60 Kbytes per seconds
    200 type is now 8-bit binary

    Please help me.

    domain: rachelrisen.com
    client id: 31287
  • CarbonTerry
    Major General

    • Oct 2005
    • 2620

    Re: Uploading Quicktime Videos

    It simply states that the file takes 780 seconds to upload to your site. The server connection will time out and prevent the file from transferring.
    You will have to find a way to make the video MUCH smaller.
    You could create a You Tube account and upload the file. YT compresses the file and then you can embed the YT file on your page.
    The image on your home page is almost 5mb !!!!!!!!!!! Yikes...that's way too big (electronically). You have also used the "handles" to resize the photo. That may reduce the physical size but not the electronic size.
    Here's a new one that's only 35kb.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

    Red Hawk Archery
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    • linceman
      Master Sergeant

      • Jul 2010
      • 60

      Re: Uploading Quicktime Videos

      Hi there Terry

      I got a similar Internet Exception 12003
      An internal error has occurred.
      200 TYP is now 8-bit binary
      227 Entering Passive Mode (73,126,104,134,186)
      552 Can't open that file: Permission denied

      I tried changing the ConnectionTime out through regedit but it didn't work

      Then I realized with other files it did work.

      So I cloned another one and pasted the stuff to the one I wanna publish, but it didn't work... since I hadn't copied everething from the clone, I deleted certain things to see what happened. And bingo when I deleted a simple navigation menu with 3 item.. it uploaded... But when I pasted back on... it didn't work again... And now I've realised that even though it was published before in many other pages it has somehow selfdeleted...

      Sounds like sci-fi but it's real... and it just form this little navegation menu with just an orange theme in it.

      Any thoughts... thx linceman


      • linceman
        Master Sergeant

        • Jul 2010
        • 60

        Re: Uploading Quicktime Videos

        Something really funny just happened... I totally changed the navegation menu... erased the "corrupted" one and placed a new one.... but I used the same theme orange... and guess what... it didn't work.... so I tried and different theme, thinking this not going to work... but guess again... this time it works... sorry guys... this is a wierd one...



        • mrmagoo144
          Brigadier General

          • Feb 2007
          • 1369

          Re: Uploading Quicktime Videos

          not sure why you are trying to play quicktime on the internet. will take the visitor too long to download and watch. you need to convert these files to a different format. swf works if you have the right convertor. loads and plays very nicely with blue voda. let me know if i can help you with your conversion.


          • linceman
            Master Sergeant

            • Jul 2010
            • 60

            Re: Uploading Quicktime Videos

            yes that's true... I agree completely... I convert into .flv... and then upload it to the server... copy the hmtl from jw player wizard on their site... then onto my page... so far it's the easiest I've found....


