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Publishing nightmare

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  • Publishing nightmare

    4 hours and still trying! its driving me nuts!!! I have gone over and over the form tutorials and I am doing nothing wrong + I have done this loads of time before first time!!!
    I suspect there is a problem with publishing as I have been trying all afternoon to get a page to publish properly as it just remains on the old page. I do this all the time so know what I am doing! it is a page which contains a contact form, for some reason the original page stopped working so I re did it adding a reset button whilst I was at it but the old page still shows???? + I have the successful url pointing towards a php page but this doesn't work now either I just get a message saying link broken. The email should go to but it doesn't either, the whole things a mess now. I know its going to be a simple schoolboy error but I just can't see whats wrong anymore. Can someone go onto my site click on the contact me link in the header and try to fill in the form and let me know what happens? the problem is that the old page will show (this hasn't got a reset button) thanks

    Thanks Paul

  • #2
    Re: Publishing nightmare

    your link at the top and bottom of your page needs to be named That page works (it has the reset button anyway). Be sure to use the FTP Manager to delete the html version off the server because having an html and a php version can cause confusion. Also, rename your action page to success and I bet it'll work OK. It will probably publish with an html extension, so be sure that's what you have in the link. Children's Ministry resources
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