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Third party

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  • Third party

    I have a client and they want to advertise on my site.. but they asking me this question...

    Are your website support third-party tracking software such as Eyeblaster? So we tracks the performance of our banner in your site?

    This is my site

    So what should I tell to my client about this?


  • #2
    Re: Third party

    Eyeblaster (from MediaMind) uses a cookie that is considered malware by most anit-virus protection tools and is not a means to track inbound traffic or advertising conversion: it tracks User browser activity and records personal information.

    If you wish to respond to your potential advertiser with regard to tracking click-thru rates and conversion metrics, you can consider these options:
    1. State that it is your Policy to provide perpetually clean and threat-free online environments and web soutions at all times, and to maintain this consistent commitment, your website does not emply consumer tracking tools, capture scripts, scouring mthods, or any other potentially unmanagable methods other than relying upon the built-in reliance of Web Statistics tools built-in to client websites.
    2. Your advertising is simply a fee for service, and makes no claims other than to provide prominence and promotion within your website which is fastly growing in consumer appeal: there is limited space available for such prominent and preferred promotion, and as such, the offer to advertise in a particular space relies more on the economy of scale and generic desirability fo client ads, websites, offers, and general marketability themselves. Results of traffic delievered can be measured by the increased activity and unique page visits compared to an earlier period as revealed in client's own tracking tools in their own Control Panels.
    3. At this time, Tracking and specific software titles that would deliver such specific data is being considered, but has not yet been installed, as it requires a major evolution of the website and represents a significant financial commitment that is being weighed according to the results that it would provide on a ROI basis.

    * You may refer to Post Affiliate Pro software (available to you free as a VodaHost customer) as being the superior software title under consideration. PAP can set up, track, and even pay commissions based on a click-thru method, as well as provide functionality for every other affiliate and campaign promotion.

    Basically, I would suggest finding a way to explain to such questions as being non-applicable, as the small amount of advertising space and core data using any such software is not as helpful as the long term benefits of advertising affordably and simply using their own web stats tools already provided to them!

    But ... under no circumstances allow other such software or cookie generation software as Eyeblaster to be installed on your website. You do not need Google or another Search Engine shutting you down as a threat to the Net.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Third party

      Thanks Vasli...So what would be the best explanation should I tell to my client? can you give some tips so that I will not their ads...

      Thanks again..


      • #4
        Re: Third party

        Can you give me some tips so my client wont back out...
        Thanks again..


        • #5
          Re: Third party

          As I mentioned above, you can pick a choice of responses, but basically there is no reason not to accept their ad, as it will be submitted to you as a simple iamge (unless you crerate one for them) and simply have a hyperlink to what ever site or page they specify.

          This being the case, I would simply explain that the cumbersome installation of affiliate and self-tracking software has not yet been introduced (as it would likely raise advertising rates accordingly), and the measurable tracking should be obvious in client's own web stats and increased conversions. The affordability and real ROI of your offer is thus more transparent and obvious, and something not to miss out on.
          But no ... you do not allow foreign scripts or software to run on your site for any reason at any time, without exception ... as this too, is another demonstration to preserving the ultimate value for advertisers by being in complete compliance with the major Search Engine standards and methods for the best results to promote client branding overall.
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • #6
            Re: Third party

            Thanks for the help Vasli...

