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H-META tags

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  • H-META tags

    in the header one two three is this 1 text box or 3 text boxes and if you put <h1> on the first and </h1> on the third does any thing go on the middle word?

  • #2
    Re: Metal tags

    How To Configure H Tags:

    1) Right-click on your textbox (not the words in your textbox) that has just the "Headline" you wish to use as H Meta, and click on HTML at bottom of list.
    2) When the Page HTML Tabs display, click on "Before Tag" tab, and type <h1>
    3) Click on "After Tag" and type in </h1>
    4) Close HTML Dialog.
    5) Repeat steps 1 - 4, replacing the number of the H-tag with the appropriate number (<h2>, </h2>; <h3>, </h3>; etc.)

    Methinks you would do well to review the ORIGINAL POST to get a real grip on what H-Tags are, how they are to be used, and how to create them. I personally still create them manually, and do not use the included tool in Blue Voda .... seems that somehow I get better results.
    (This Post Mentioned Above Is The Original Manual Creation Tip, Before H-Tags were an included feature in Blue Voda)
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: H-META tags

      your right i have read it 20 times and i am getting little pieces here and there but i think i am in way over my head and might be bitting off more than i can do.There needs to be more discription of the tools for the beginner. i think i am doing the h tags manual but you talk about a bv tool give a link for that it must be right in front of me and i dont know what im looking at.


      • #4
        Re: H-META tags

        .... which is why I still do many things manually: Blue Voda has the tool included, but you cannot define the styles as liberally as you can using the manual script, and for that reason alone, I repfer to do things the old fashioned way. I simply like to specify font size, color, and bold when I want and how I want, and the BV tool limits your ability to configure these.

        Follow the steps in the ORIGINAL POST to configure manually, and you will be fine ... remember, when you right-click on your BV page, the PAGE HTML option is visible, and that's what you open to place the script and the numbered tags info .... you'll see.

        PS: I have never used the CLONE function in BV either .... still "stripping and ripping" pages manually as I have been ever since first using BV6.1!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Re: H-META tags

          on the main page when i up the font for the tag word nothing lines up any more ,whats up?


          • #6
            Re: H-META tags

            Excuse me?????

            Each H-Tag, as text in a separate textbox apart from other textual Content, is re-positional as is any other element on your page .... if a larger font causes your text to 'reform' unexpectedly, then possibly you should consider making the textbox larger in width to acommodate, you think?
            * You can always define the font sizes for your tags to be the same as your regular Content font size for little dissimilarity, you know ...... if your page is written say at 14pt, then there is nothing wrong with having your tags be 14pt also -- they will simply be bold. It is simply a matter of customizing the script, if doing it manually. Keep in mind that a lack of font size differentiation will not be as influential for the SE's, but it will still create the same baseline "Rules Compliance" having H-Meta present on your pages as opposed to not having them.

            Each textbox can be perfectly aligned on your page by registering the top left corner similarly to the coordinates displayed on the XY Axis tool (shown lower right of your BV Workpane). It will show you for each element highlighted how many pixels from the top (X) and how many pixels from the left margin (Y) it is positioned relative on your page.

            The proper selection of font sizes to be configured for H-Tag Styles and simlarly prepared text box sizes (width) is part of the intelligent designing of a web page if keeping continuity and compliance is important. It takes effort, forethought, and understanding .... as should all of your web designing.

            It will take you some time to slow down and focus on more of the details involved when using Blue Voda effectively, and will also provide you with a measure of intellectual stimulation as you notice more and more of your overall computer skillset being enhanced. Hopefully, that is.
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • #7
              Re: H-META tags

              my text editor was not typeing in html and was causing it to jump around.


              • #8
                Re: H-META tags

                Originally posted by dejablue View Post
                my text editor was not typeing in html and was causing it to jump around.
                After reading everything carefully, it looks to me like you are not really using Blue Voda after all, and are simply picking our brains. This last post of yours above does not make any sense at all, and is not a real excuse to explain your original problem.
                BP: SHOW ME DA MONEY!


                • #9
                  Re: H-META tags

                  Originally posted by GulfCoaster View Post
                  After reading everything carefully, it looks to me like you are not really using Blue Voda after all, and are simply picking our brains. This last post of yours above does not make any sense at all, and is not a real excuse to explain your original problem.
                  You are quite correct, but I was not going to be the one to point it out: my intent was to share more depth on the methods and rationale of using H-META effectively, hoping that as did Ian (PapaBiker) above, people could read more into the thinking, pull out more understanding, and get better results.

                  Mr. Anderson has tried to apply the principles and techniques discussed freely in these Forums to his HTML website ( on the sly for quite a while, but it is evident that he has been very unsuccessful: if you look carefully at his site, you will note that he has created multiple H3 tags (very wrong), created H-Tags out of order (after 2 H3 tags an H2 Tage appears in the lineup), and has created tags around fragmented sentences and orphaned words.
                  It's obvious he's having problems ... on this site also there is a misplaced page section (at the bottom) which allows the logos and other elements to be obscured by the footer .... he would fare far better if he would simply use Blue Voda to easily design a perfectly performing website himself that is not simply more managable, but likely better converting of visitors (once they are attracted due to better SERP from simple BV optimization)!
                  His other "site" on where he allows 42 words to Spam his Keywords, with only 3 of those words actually being anchored in his text! Proof that not much is really being absorbed and put to good use ... even if he is merely "sharing" knowledge with those doing it for him, he remains ultimately responsible for the work representing his business.

                  Not only has he completely missed the boat and not even treading water with respect to compliance with WWW standards, he is jeopardizing his status with the SE's, if not already been penalized.

                  He is not the first, and certainly will not be the last. No big!
                  We need to be happy that we can make a positive difference in the best evolution of website design in any way possible, first to all the VodaHost cleints and Blue Voda Users, and then to everyone.
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • #10
                    Re: H-META tags

                    Originally posted by Alithos View Post
                    Very true, and a very wise admonition.
                    I wish more people could think, feel, and lead the way you do!
                    I believe most just need to be given a chance for their potential to be unlocked!

                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *

