Page formatting issues

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  • Retrofrog

    • Dec 2008
    • 10

    Page formatting issues

    I have a large monitor at home and the page fits perfectly, on my smaller monitor at work ( 15’ screen) I can only see approx ¼ of the page and I have to scroll horizontally and vertically to navigate through the rest of index which is not good…….

    What do I need to do to fix the problem so as you say all pages load perfectly on all screens regardless of the size….. I know you can display the page on the left of in the middle of the browser but this does not fix my formatting problem.. is there a box I can tick somewhere...!!!!??

    Many Thanks

    * Website Added by Admin, as required:
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Page formatting issues

    You have been dealing with this same issue for quite some time, and apparently refuse to accept replies offered to your threads:

    Your site is simply too wide to be viewed properly, and there is no way to simulate "fluid page design" using BlueVoda. You will simply have to comply with standards or compromise convenience and risk penalty by the Search Engines as a result.
    Maximum recommended page width to be compliant with standards is no wider than 982 pixels wide.

    Even though many are using larger resolution settings, it will be some time until the SE-acceptable resolution defaults to 1024 pixels wide (even though it is nearly the accepted width in the US), not all systems or devices can properly render wider pages other than 960 or 982 pixels wide, even with the newest capabilities built-in without resorting to enlargement and/or scrolling.

    ... and, your site is incredibly difficult to effectively navigate by too much reliance on the Browser's "Back" button rather than providing a site-wide navigation scheme (as in a Menu). No 'Home' link, no links to other pages ... no reasonable, normal means to navigate within the site at all -- the only navigation to be found is only on the over-sized Index page! This is highly irregular, and will also count heavily against the site earning any values from the Search Engines, if they don't immediately penalize you for the site not being built to standards or with compliant relevance as a foundation!

    You may wish to consider a site re-design to completely address these serious issues.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

