Publishing from Microsoft Publisher

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  • Charles Zigmund
    Private First Class

    • Dec 2011
    • 8

    Publishing from Microsoft Publisher

    I have a 41 page book with pictures I wrote years ago in MS Publisher before I signed with on with Vodahost. I would like to publish it to a special section of my website. I can use a regular 'select all' and then 'copy' on each MS Publisher page and it successfully 'pastes' to a .bvp page, and then publishes beautifully to my site. But is there a way I can take the whole 41 page file and publish it at once?

    MS Publisher does have a web publishing feature that does this, but I am afraid I might disable or blow my site if I try to mass publish using this feature. MS P also has an FTP option for uploading to the web. Any advice, please?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Publishing from Microsoft Publisher

    Simply convert your Publisher Document to a PDF file type, and follow the normal method of uploading the PDF File to the server to provide access for Visitors to "view it" (it will 'open' in Adobe's PDF Reader) or, to print it out using the Print function of the Reader.
    Here is the Tutorial that teaches you how to do this: How to create a download

    There are many such free PDF converters out there, but some are mentioned here along with some other useful tools.

    If you are using Office 2007 or newer, the option to Save a file as a PDF is already built-in, however, but some versions other than '2007 Professional' require you to update your Publisher program with added plugin's, making the simple download and use of PDF995 or another much easier to set up and use independently.

    You should also review this thread > eBook Copyright Protection
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • Charles Zigmund
      Private First Class

      • Dec 2011
      • 8

      Re: Publishing from Microsoft Publisher


