Question about Log In System

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  • Graco
    • Mar 2025


    Question about Log In System

    hi there!

    Reading you guys tutorial about the Log In system in BV, i saw that the script
    does not provide automated acess to the protected area after payment

    The thing is that i'm about to launch a product that have a solid network to
    promote it and it's unique in it's niche. So, a lot of people may buy the product
    (i'm talking about tens of thounsands). It's impossible to manually activate each
    new client after payment, in this case.

    I'll not charge a mounthly payment. The costumer pay for the product only once (that, in fact,
    it's just acess for a protected area with videos and download links)

    So, it's there a safe way that the client gets redirected, after payment, to a secure page where he/she provide
    his/her information to get acess to the product, using your guys script? People cannot copy the link of this page!

    In other words: your guys script can be used in my particular case? I opened a thread asking this same question,
    and you people told me that the script it's secure enought for me. But now that i saw that it cannot provide automatic
    activation after payment, i'm facing this problem. The traffic to the product's web site will be HUGE and a LOT OF PEOPLE may buy it.

    Please, help me out with this giving me a answer ASAP.


  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Question about Log In System

    You're better off using a fully-featured Shopping Cart, such as Soholaunch, ZEN, osCommerce, or even applying eCommerce Plugins to Wordpress (if you're capable of customizing WP).

    You can do a little homework on any one of the above mentions to see why this would be the optimal and obvious solution.
    Simple Google them and visit the official sites as well as some of the ancillary ones to get a feel for the functionality you apparently have in mind to meet your singular needs.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • Graco

      Re: Question about Log In System

      Hi again Vasili! Ty for your quick answer, as always.

      But look... can i use these shopping carts with Blue Voda? Because i'm building the whole product's web site (sale page and protected pages) using BV!!

      Thank you,



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Question about Log In System

        No. A shopping cart is a distinctly different script altogether, and cannot be used "in" or "on" a BlueVoda website.

        Like I said ... do your due diligence with regard to studying the different Carts available to you to auto-install via Fantastico in your cPanel ... all "shopping cart or transactional areas" are protected, and all have the ability for customers to "Register" and set up a personal account. Most also have Password Protected capabilities, if you want to have a "Members Only" shopping area, in addition to the ability to transact a virtual inventory for digital downloads, eBooks, etc.

        Do your homework! There is much you still need to learn about eCommerce, and that should be included in your own custom written Website Plan to guide you through all the intricate steps ... with a Plan, you will be able to see which Cart might not only meet your specific needs best, but which seems easiest for you to administrate.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Graco

          Re: Question about Log In System

          OK Vasili, thank you!

          The thing is that i already built the whole produtc's page in BV.

          There is no such thing in BV? No shopping cart?

          So, i cant use BV in these case? Man, it would be awesome (irony kickin' in). Weeks of work straight to trash, if i cannot use BV in my business..


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: Question about Log In System

            Your misunderstanding is how to rectify the separate functions of a secured site (via Membership script) and the PayPal process to allow digital downloads (being sent to a secondary secure page for instructions or second password for product distribution).

            That is a PayPal issue, not a Membership Script issue (again, you have not done your homework, for it is obvious you have not even thought about how to transact business and only started creating a lovely site ... look into using the PayPal system built-in to BlueVoda, and looking deep into the abilities, including the aspects I mention here). Like I said, there is much yet you must learn, and it starts by mapping out your functions in a Plan to follow as you build the pages and the supporting systems.

            And, in my opinion, a Shopping Cart will serve you best and easiest in the long run ...
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *

