Changing the admin password in the Log-in System

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  • ZipZap

    • Jun 2009
    • 16

    Changing the admin password in the Log-in System


    A couple of years ago I dutifully followed the BV tutorial by NavalDesign for making a password protected area with a Login, including creating an admin log-in page with the admin form so that I could manage the activated members list.

    Now after the years have passed and the cranial cobwebs have accumulated, I would like to change my admin log-in password.

    I thought it would be as simple as opening the page with the admin form in BV, going to the form properties and changing the password, then republishing the page in the subfolder that I have used since day 1. After trying this method, I was unable to login as an admin. Now I've tried to change the password back to the original and republish and I cannot login as admin using the old password.

    I am dead in the water. Any suggestions?
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Changing the admin password in the Log-in System

    It IS as simple as you described, BUT when you publish the Admin page make sure you select "Publish all files" so that the script in the backend also gets published with the new pasword.
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    • ZipZap

      • Jun 2009
      • 16

      Re: Changing the admin password in the Log-in System

      Thanks, it turns out it WAS as simple as I described and as you confirmed. I decided to shut down my browser, BV and reboot. I think something may have been stuck in the cache or something because rebooting solved everything and it worked flawlessly without doing anything else.

