Email Confusion

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  • deansunshine

    • Dec 2006
    • 22

    Email Confusion

    Prior to using BlueVoda, I purchased my domain name through Yahoo ( This also served as my email address ( Since starting my service with BlueVoda and building my website, I am now having an issue with my email. I do not care for the web mail version in Blue Voda as it doesn't have the capabilities that I am used to. I would like to start using my Yahoo email again but I can't forward the same email address to the Yahoo account. See below

    Yahoo Email Address -
    Blue Voda Email Address -

    How can I do this since both emails are the same? Is this even possible?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Email Confusion

    You do not yet fully understand how email works, or how to select the proper email 'client' to access your email.

    Much of the parameters that influence your choice of email clients is how you typically prefer to use when accessing your email: desktop PC, Smartphone, Droid, iOS, etc. Typically, if your are using a Windows or DROID environment, the superior choice would be to use Outlook or Outlook Express (or a DROID equivalent) that automatically polls email and delivers it to the opened application upon the device itself.

    Notwithstanding, ANY OS can access webmail, and VodaHost offers via your cPanel a choice of clients: Horde or Squirrel. All you need is a functional browser and Passwords to access all the email addressed to your Domain, which is hosted on a VodaHost server. If you do not like (or understand) either of the webmail clients or the interfaces available to you as part of your cPanel, you are free to process your email any which way you desire using the many different methods provided in cPanel to configure email --- you just need to know what the differences are and how to change settings.

    The Tutorials explain all of this quite clearly and should leave you with a greater sense of overall confidence in managing not only your email, but every other aspect of website hosting and development. I would suggest reviewing all the cPanel tutorials, and particularly the Email Tutorials to get a real understanding of methodology and options before making any abrupt changes.
    >> Complete Tutorial Library

    If in the end you do not wish to take advantage of the tools and knowledges (or find it too frustrating to endure), there is nothing preventing you from creating a new email ID at Yahoo (it's free) and simply forwarding ALL your Domain's email to that new account. Right??
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

