Updating BlueVoda Page after incorporating professional changes

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  • glutenf1
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2013
    • 6

    Updating BlueVoda Page after incorporating professional changes

    I am trying to set up braintree recurring billing on my sitecreated with BlueVoda. I tried PayPalbut it didn't meet my needs. However, Ihave determined that it is more complicated to set up the braintree system thanPayPal. The directions include a bunchof terms I am not familiar with (sinatra, shotgun, API), the addition of files(app.rb) and programming languages (java, ruby, php, etc).
    Because this appears to be over my head, I am thinking abouthiring someone to incorporate the Braintree payment system into my BlueVodasite. My question is, how can I updatethis page in the future? Does BlueVodacompletely overwrite an existing page every time I hit the publish button,effectively wiping out the code I am going to pay to have integrated into thepage? Does anyone know how I can bothhave this code integrated in by someone else, and still be able to make changesto the page later?
    Gluten-Free Meal Planner
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Updating BlueVoda Page after incorporating professional changes

    Originally posted by glutenf1 View Post
    I am trying to set up braintree recurring billing on my sitecreated with BlueVoda.
    What is the URL to your site created with BlueVoda and hosted at VodaHost? (required when asking for assistance)
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • glutenf1
      Private First Class

      • Feb 2013
      • 6

      Re: Updating BlueVoda Page after incorporating professional changes

      Originally posted by Vasili View Post
      What is the URL to your site created with BlueVoda and hosted at VodaHost? (required when asking for assistance)
      The URL of my site is www.glutenfreemealplanner.com.
      Gluten-Free Meal Planner


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Updating BlueVoda Page after incorporating professional changes

        Having already published some BlueVoda-created web pages, you should already be aware of the simple logic of having pages Saved to your HD within the BlueVoda folder and heirarchy: the Saved page files do not change unless you deliberately delete an element or add an element, and, when updating pages and publishing them, it is only the page file copy on the server that is over-written (replaced).

        You will not "lose" any coding unless you delete it manually, and even if such deletion accidentally occurs, you should have the code kept archived securely in a MS Notepad file (not a MS Word file, which adds text formatting to the code) separate from all other files and folders for easy access and to re-Copy and re-Paste onto your BlueVoda pages within a BlueVoda HTML Box as needed. (Please review the Tutorials to understand how to add code to BlueVoda pages)

        How could this essential concept be overlooked or questioned to cause needless worry?

        For the proper method of creating or updating pages, please review this post in order to avoid any possible pratfalls > http://www.vodahost.com/vodatalk/add...tml#post372975
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *

