blue voda product list

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  • clx

    • Sep 2013
    • 1

    blue voda product list

    Hi All. am new so not sure where/how to search yet. I want to display a list of products (name, image, price, more detail url) on a page. The list will preferably be maintained in a database, so i need a control to read from this database and display the properties indicated above for each. From there the user will then add to cart and buy and pay through paypal. Is this doable using bluevoda and if so which control and where can i read more about the database options? thanks. PS why wont enter work to open an empty line?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: blue voda product list

    Originally posted by clx View Post
    Hi All. am new so not sure where/how to search yet. I want to display a list of products (name, image, price, more detail url) on a page. The list will preferably be maintained in a database, so i need a control to read from this database and display the properties indicated above for each. From there the user will then add to cart and buy and pay through paypal. Is this doable using bluevoda and if so which control and where can i read more about the database options? thanks. PS why wont enter work to open an empty line?
    You are still very unclear on the concept with regard to how Shopping Carts work and what features they offer compared to a PayPal application in BlueVoda, and are over-complicating things to a very great degree altogether: you do not need a "database" to present a shopping cart "look and feel" when using PayPal in BlueVoda.

    A good example can be seen on this site, starting here on the Collections page and drilling in to any of the individual Collections to see how PayPal can be set up (within ordered page and site design) to function properly > EXAMPLE SITE
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

