Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page

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  • JaR

    • Dec 2015
    • 3

    Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page


    I am a total newbie, so apologies for the stupid question. I have read the tutorials and manual and also searched the forum but I can't find an answer. I have just taken over a website, so I have received the files (created in BlueVoda) and saved them in the Document/BlueVoda directory. When attempting to import an existing HTML page, all I get is a white screen....nothing else. I am browsing to and selecting the index.html file.

    From what I have read in the forums, some of the formatting etc will be messed up and that is to be expected.

    What I am trying to do, is import the entire site so I can fix all the pages up before re-publishing. Is there a way to do this?

    I'm scared if I make a change to one html and re-publish it will overwrite all the other html pages on the site.

    I know there is another option to import from the internet, but I thought I might be better using local files.

    Appreciate any guidance.

  • JaR

    • Dec 2015
    • 3

    Re: Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page

    I seem to have more luck just going the 'Open Page' option, then selecting 'All Files' of type instead of 'BVP', then opening the HTML page that way. Some of my links and formatting are dead but if it works this way I can live with that. I still don't know why I can't go the 'open existing HTML page' option though.


    • VodaHost
      General & Forum Administrator

      • Mar 2005
      • 12356

      Re: Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page

      Hi, in order to open an HTML page with BlueVoda that is on your computer you need to go to:

      File >> new page >> from existing HTML page

      In the popup box select the local radio button, then select browse for a file on the right, you can then import the HTML page you want to directly into BlueVoda.


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      • JaR

        • Dec 2015
        • 3

        Re: Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page

        Thanks a lot for your response...

        That's exactly what I did. The problem is after importing the html file, all I see is a white blank screen? It's the same on all the existing html files.


        • VodaHost
          General & Forum Administrator

          • Mar 2005
          • 12356

          Re: Importing an existing BlueVoda HTML Page

          Hi, we would need to see the pages in order to see what is happening, please open a support ticket so that we may assist you with this.


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