font size difference of two versions of BV

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  • Lin

    • Jun 2005
    • 50

    font size difference of two versions of BV

    Some of my pages were editted with the older version of bv, and some with the latest version. To my surprise, there is a change of the font size. The font size of the latest version seems somewhat bigger than the old one. I mean I choose the same size with both versions. Even on the same page, the texts look different.
    Has anybody noticed this?
  • Pablo

    • May 2005
    • 507

    Check your browser settings and make sure font size is set to medium.

    Previous versions of BlueVoda used relative font sizes, but this did have unexpected results when displayed on browsers with non-default font settings.
    The newest version of BlueVoda uses absolute font sizes to get around this.
    Forum Moderator
    BlueVoda Spe******t


    • Lin

      • Jun 2005
      • 50

      Yes, the font size of my browser is set to medium. What you said seems to be very complicated to me. :) I guess I will have to redo all my pages. Thanks anyway.


      • Lin

        • Jun 2005
        • 50

        I just changed the font size for a whole page. When I tried to review it, I found I couldn't see the complete page again. Before I thought it was because the pages were too long, but this page is not long at all. I think the problem is with the new version of bluevoda. I have four lenthy pages. After I published them, I can see one whole page, and it was editted with the old version of bv. the other three were editted in the new version, i can't see any of them completely.
        can anybody help me with this? thanks


        • Pablo

          • May 2005
          • 507

          Do you have an example of this?
          What font size do you use?
          How much text do you have in one textbox?
          You seem to be the only one to have a problem with the new version

          Please do not use two versions of BlueVoda simultaniously, it will damage your your projects.
          Forum Moderator
          BlueVoda Spe******t


          • Lin

            • Jun 2005
            • 50

            I am not using two versions at the same time. I completely uninstalled the old one before installing the new version. I mean some of my pages were editted with the old version, and I saved them. When I continued with the new version, the font size changed, although I was using the same font size 4(14pt). The result is that I have two different font sizes on the same page. That's okay. I can delete all the work done with the old version, and do it again with the new version. but I have found the pages editted with the new version don't show complete page. I had some very long page, like 30 pages long. it shows alright as it was done with the old version. Please take a look -
            But this new page has only about 3 or 4 pages, and it won't show completely on browser. -
            So I don't think its the length of the page. Also by comparing these two pages you can see the difference of the font size, both using size 4/14pt.
            Probably I am the only one trying to put a book online here, hence I have a lot of problems with text editting.
            Thanks for your help.


            • Pablo

              • May 2005
              • 507

              I recommend that you split up your text into smaller pieces to make them more managable. The text editor of BlueVoda is optimized for a maximum of 2500 characters per textbox. Although this probably will take you a little longer to create your pages, it makes BlueVoda much faster and easier to edit the text.
              Forum Moderator
              BlueVoda Spe******t


              • Lin

                • Jun 2005
                • 50

                But I didn't have this problem with the older version of bluevoda. All the pages showed alright. And the page I gave you as an example is not a long page at all. I am going to split those long pages into several pages, but this one is the preface of the book. It's very strange to have several pages for the preface.
                Is that possible I can still download the older version of bluevoda?? It works better for my book editting.


                • Pablo

                  • May 2005
                  • 507

                  The old version of BlueVoda is no longer supported.

                  When I take a closer look at your web pages I noticed that not all text has been converted to the new format.
                  Please make sure all your existing textboxes are edited using the new BlueVoda.
                  All you have to do is double click the text (to make sure BlueVoda updates the underline HTML code).Once you've done this all your text should be displayed correctly in the browser.
                  Forum Moderator
                  BlueVoda Spe******t


                  • Lin

                    • Jun 2005
                    • 50

                    Thanks for your reply. Okay, I guess I will have to redo all my pages in the new version. But is it true that the old version of bluevoda can hold more text on a page than the new version?


                    • Lin

                      • Jun 2005
                      • 50

                      Hi Pablo, I have to bug you again with the font size and page length. I don't want to be a pest, but this is very important for my website. Thanks for your time. :)
                      I was experimenting with the my pages. I found out that when I reduced the font size from size 4 to size 3, all the text would fit perfectly in one page. So its not the number of characters after all. But this font is quite small to read in the brower. When I changed it back to size 4, again, it wouldn't show the whole page. Even with the same font size (size 4), the lengths shown in two different pages are considerably different. One is a lot longer than the other, and of course both of them are incomplete.
                      I dont' mind splitting those longer pages into several pages. but I really want to have only one page for the Preface of the book. and It's not a very long page.
                      Is there something else I can do?


                      • Pablo

                        • May 2005
                        • 507

                        No, that's not correct. There are no differences expect that the generated HTML is optimized. It uses fixed font sizes instead of relative ones.
                        Forum Moderator
                        BlueVoda Spe******t


                        • Lin

                          • Jun 2005
                          • 50

                          Pablo, you said previously that "The text editor of BlueVoda is optimized for a maximum of 2500 characters per textbox". How many textboxes can I have on one page, and how many characters am I allowed to have on one page?
                          I suppose the characters include spaces as well.
                          I am trying to calculate how many pages I need to finish my site.


                          • Pablo

                            • May 2005
                            • 507

                            I did not say there is a maximum, I just said it is optimized for maximum +/-2500 characters (just an indication, not a real limit). You can have as many characters as you like, but when if you have more than a certain number of characters the text editor will become slower and more difficult to handle.
                            The real limit is determined only by the amount of memory and processor power of the PC that you're running BlueVoda on.

                            But we will continue to improve BlueVoda so make sure you always have the latest version for the best results.
                            Forum Moderator
                            BlueVoda Spe******t


                            • Lin

                              • Jun 2005
                              • 50

                              I think my problem is solved. I reduced the font size to 12, now all the pages fit in the brower nicely. I think the brower doesn't like font size 14. :)

