How do I do emails and mutiple pages?

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  • phsgirl711

    • Apr 2006
    • 1

    How do I do emails and mutiple pages?

    I'm new to this program. I was just wondering how to click on a name and for it to go straight to that persons email address? Also, I was wondering if I have bars on the front page and i click on one, how do i make it go to another page I have made?
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: How do I do emails and mutiple pages?

    Olease watch the tutorials: Fixed Menu Bars, Creating Standard Hyperlinks, Sliding Menu Bars (Drop Down), Creating a Go Menu

    To send an email from your site to a person you will need to create a form that will send the email. If, instead you want to receive emails from your visitors through your site, simply create a "Email me" button (or it can be an image, or text,or shape) and link it: go the button properties, Link, select link type "mailto" and set the link URL as "mailto:"
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