Add Sound to Page Help please

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  • ez-ez
    Special Status

    • Mar 2006
    • 1329

    Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

    Originally posted by Nite Producer
    ok ez ez,

    I know what you mean now but still my final question are as following

    1- I have to put my media music in the page first right or wrong?
    2- I create a text 'on' and give it a script <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="BtnPlay" VALUE="Play" OnClick="StartMeUp()">
    3- I create a text 'off' and give it the script <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="BtnStop" VALUE="Stop" OnClick="ShutMeDown()">
    4- I didn't get this: chage the file 'src' to the server location where it will be streamed from

    Thanks mate
    Hi Producer.. Sorry again about the delay in responding..
    I also apologise about the lousy job of explaining.. As you can tell, I am not much of a tutor.. But look, I've created a page especially designed as demonstration to explain Background Music.. I've also simplified the script and I'm sure you will find it helpful.. It took me a whole day to create amongst other work stuff.. but here it is, please let me know if it delivers what you ask for:



    • Nite Producer
      Lieutenant Colonel

      • May 2006
      • 593

      Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

      ohhhhhh, great, I see more details on that, that's what I'm talking about,

      You are the best, man, can anybody give more stars to ez ez, he is the man.

      Thank you very much, I don't know how to thank you no, but I will remember how to return a favor.

      Thank you very very much, I saved the page as html on my disk to take a look at it slowly and start the job.

      Thanks again million times, if there is anything I can do.
      The Producer


      • ez-ez
        Special Status

        • Mar 2006
        • 1329

        Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

        Originally posted by Nite Producer
        ohhhhhh, great, I see more details on that, that's what I'm talking about,

        You are the best, man, can anybody give more stars to ez ez, he is the man.

        Thank you very much, I don't know how to thank you no, but I will remember how to return a favor.

        Thank you very very much, I saved the page as html on my disk to take a look at it slowly and start the job.

        Thanks again million times, if there is anything I can do.
        You are most welcome.. And please remember, if you need any more information just ask.. I'll be more than happy to share whatever I know, if I don't know the answer, I can laways look for it and come back with results so we both learn.. Let us know when you launch your website and we'll all work to get it out there for others.. I'll keep an eye on it anyways. Glad I could offer some help. Cheers.


        • Nite Producer
          Lieutenant Colonel

          • May 2006
          • 593

          Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

          Hi ez ez,

          I'm sorry to disturb you, but maybe I'm a little slow or dump, or I did something wrong, but it didn't work.

          My questions are as following:

          1 - Should I ad the media player to the page with the sound first?
          2 - Should I ad all scripts in ONE HTML box? if no, so should I get different boxes for each script?
          3 - if the scripts are seperated, is the script boss should be in an HTML box of the main page? if yes which tag?
          4 - where and how should I upload the sound? it is in file manager in cPanel or I have to use Blue FTP?
          5 - Should the sound be in a folder in public_html?

          The Producer


          • ez-ez
            Special Status

            • Mar 2006
            • 1329

            Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

            Hi Producer.. Sorry for not getting back to you earlier..
            1. You do not need a media player. The entire code goes in one HTML Box..
            2. Yes, open a new HTML box and add the entire code without exception.
            3. The entire code will be in the same HTML Box, including the 'script boss' , Naturally, once this box is added into the page, it will appear in the 'body' tag of the page automatically.
            5. All your files, including sound files MUST be uploaded to the public_html folder.. Naturally, you are able to open directories in that folder where you are able to place different content in different places, the important thing is to point your link or media player to these files correctly.. For example: If you upload a file 'music.mp3' into the public_html, the media player 'src' input will read src="". However, if you decide to create a directory inside the public_html folder and call it, for example, 'music_files' then your src input would be src="
            If you have any problems with the code, please post the entire code and I'll have a look at it, pinpoint the error and fix it.
            Hope this helps.


            • ez-ez
              Special Status

              • Mar 2006
              • 1329

              Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

              Originally posted by Nite Producer
              Hi ez ez,

              I'm sorry to disturb you, but maybe I'm a little slow or dump, or I did something wrong, but it didn't work.

              My questions are as following:

              1 - Should I ad the media player to the page with the sound first?
              2 - Should I ad all scripts in ONE HTML box? if no, so should I get different boxes for each script?
              3 - if the scripts are seperated, is the script boss should be in an HTML box of the main page? if yes which tag?
              4 - where and how should I upload the sound? it is in file manager in cPanel or I have to use Blue FTP?
              5 - Should the sound be in a folder in public_html?

              Please check my post above.. I wanted to use the qote feature so that you know I've answered.. Thanks mate.


                Brigadier General

                • Feb 2006
                • 1104

                Re: Add Sound to Page Help please


                I like things simple, so on my site I just used media player and imported midi files to it. by choosing the invisable and loop options my music plays constantly and if the viewer dosen'r want to hear it they have the option of muteing the sound on their computer. You must, however import a file and player for each page. Check my site and see if what I have will work for you.


                • Nite Producer
                  Lieutenant Colonel

                  • May 2006
                  • 593

                  Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                  Thanks ez ez, I will give it a try again, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

                  circuspet, personally I don't link midi files, as I worked on sound enginering before, I guess you can imagine how I think about music and sound quality.

                  Thanks guys so much
                  The Producer


                  • Nite Producer
                    Lieutenant Colonel

                    • May 2006
                    • 593

                    Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                    H ez ez, I'm still haing the same probleme,the following is the script I putted with the changes, the sound's name is intro.mp3 ad the folder where te sound is music which is inside the public_html

                    <EMBED ID="intro.mp3" src="" height="0" width="0" hidden="true" loop="true"><BR>
                    <FONT style="position:absolute;left:24;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="StartMeUp()"><B>on</B></FONT>
                    <FONT style="position:absolute;left:50;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="ShutMeDown()"><B>off</B></FONT>
                    function StartMeUp ()
                    function ShutMeDown ()
                    The Producer


                    • ez-ez
                      Special Status

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 1329

                      Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                      Originally posted by Nite Producer
                      H ez ez, I'm still haing the same probleme,the following is the script I putted with the changes, the sound's name is intro.mp3 ad the folder where te sound is music which is inside the public_html

                      <EMBED ID="intro.mp3" src="" height="0" width="0" hidden="true" loop="true"><BR>
                      <FONT style="position:absolute;left:24;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="StartMeUp()"><B>on</B></FONT>
                      <FONT style="position:absolute;left:50;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="ShutMeDown()"><B>off</B></FONT>
                      function StartMeUp ()
                      function ShutMeDown ()
                      Producer.. let me test and I'll get back to you in a few minutes.


                      • ez-ez
                        Special Status

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 1329

                        Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                        Producer.. The code I gave in the all of the examples states clearly that the 'black' text must not be changed.. I can't see why you had to change the script from 'play' to 'on' and from 'stop' to 'off'.. That is why your script was not working..
                        Another thing, change the ID of the Player from intro.mp3 to intro_mp3... the reason is anything after a dot is either a file extension or a script command.. therefore, when the script reads the command as '' it will take the mp3 as a location on the any case, I've fixed it now and you should copy and paste this code AS IT IS:

                        <EMBED ID="intro_mp3" src="" height="0" width="0" hidden="true" loop="true"><BR>
                        <FONT style="position:absolute;left:24;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="StartMeUp()"><B>on</B></FONT>
                        <FONT style="position:absolute;left:50;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="ShutMeDown()"><B>off</B></FONT>
                        function StartMeUp ()
                        function ShutMeDown ()

                        Please try this and let me know...
                        *Note: Cool music clip.


                        • Nite Producer
                          Lieutenant Colonel

                          • May 2006
                          • 593

                          Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                          Allright, I'll try it and be back in minutes

                          Thanks mate
                          The Producer


                            Brigadier General

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 1104

                            Re: Add Sound to Page Help please


                            I can see that an on off button will require only one click vs. three clicks to mute the volume control on the puter it self, but isn't that a waist of
                            bandwidth to save two clicks?


                            • Nite Producer
                              Lieutenant Colonel

                              • May 2006
                              • 593

                              Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                              Hi ez ez,

                              Thanks for the *Note first.

                              Still having the same probleme, on and off don't work yet, but maybe I can say that there is something different between the first script you gave me in this threaf and the one in your tutorial page, don't you think? (in the boss script)

                              Anyway, I don't get why it's not working with meeeee hummmm hummmm,

                              I did copy the last one you gave me and past it as it is, but on and of are not working yet.

                              Thank you for being so patient with me
                              The Producer


                              • ez-ez
                                Special Status

                                • Mar 2006
                                • 1329

                                Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                                Originally posted by

                                I can see that an on off button will require only one click vs. three clicks to mute the volume control on the puter it self, but isn't that a waist of
                                bandwidth to save two clicks?
                                Hiya Circuspet..
                                Often, the Play/Stop Media Player Controllers are used for website that have more than one music file contained in the site.. Example, our friend NiteProducer is more likely to have a series of Audio and Video file as smaples.. In other cases, having background music is seen as an enhancing effect for techno websites.. This means that a visitor needs to have an option to play or stop rather than activate or de-activate.. The advantage of this Play/Stop Method is that it is limited to the exact Media Player on that particular page without having to mute your entire machine.

                                Ultimately, It is a preference... As for me personally, I favor not having background music at all.. I do however appreciate the fact that Techno Websites do need it.. I do also see your point, although, the download amount is identical in both methods because once the file is downloaded once it is played from the Temporary Files Folder each and every time..

                                Do I makes sense..??

