Form Help

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  • Glitzz
    Staff Sergeant

    • Jul 2006
    • 42

    Form Help

    Hellooo its meeeee

    k my problem is this.. My forms work somewhat ok Im not sure about how they work for other people yet. they are set up exactly how the tutorial says to but when I go to test them they open up new windows and those windows either give me an error like my computer is blocking it, or it opens up an email page to send an email.. I saw another post before and the person was sayin only people who use internet explorer can use the bluevoda forms properly is that what that is? or do they work for other people and its just me?

    confuzzeled little girl some one help!!! Im looking at html form generators right now hurry before its too late and i use one, there probably ugly!!

    Glitzz Original Hand-made Beaded Jewelry, Accessories, and Gifts By Julie Knight of Toronto, Canada. OH YEAH BABY CANADA!!!

  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: Form Help

    Please post a new thread in the forms section. In that thread post your url of the page that has the form on it so we can take a look.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • Glitzz
      Staff Sergeant

      • Jul 2006
      • 42

      Re: Form Help

      Originally posted by Andy128
      Please post a new thread in the forms section. In that thread post your url of the page that has the form on it so we can take a look.

      didnt know there was one.. THANKX love. Maybe I should look more before I open my big ol' mouth!

      Glitzz Original Hand-made Beaded Jewelry, Accessories, and Gifts By Julie Knight of Toronto, Canada. OH YEAH BABY CANADA!!!

