How do I put music on my website?

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  • allan

    • May 2005
    • 50

    How do I put music on my website?

    I have created the page with realplayer and the song link to it but how do i get it start playing as soon as someone get on my website? I don't think all I have to do is publish it because there is no link to the index page or throughout the pages. How do I get it playing on all the pages continuously?

  • FPRob

    • Aug 2006
    • 955

    Re: How do I put music on my website?

    Hi Alan.

    The real player set up should have an option to autostart or for the user to click start.

    Is the real player added by hand? For example HTML coding or did you add it in a similar way to the other Voda features? For example, simply adding them to your page layout by dragging and clicking through menus etc?

    I am only asking because if you are able to cut and paste the code into a reply here i can point out how to alter the autostart/clickstart option but.. I dont use BlueVoda so I am unable to advise you unless you can paste the code here. I am betting that somebody else who knows about Blue Voda will soon be in this thread to ffer you their best advice though.

    OIne other thing, it is highly advisable not to put copyright material on your site. Just a little heads up for you ;)



    • allan

      • May 2005
      • 50

      Re: How do I put music on my website?

      Well, i am using the bluevoda builder. I opened a new page, drop realplayer in and clicked on properties. Link to a music file and clicked loop and thats it. All I need to know is how to make it start playing as soon as someone get on the website and it will stay playing on all the pages. Will someone give me the step by step instruction?

      Btw, how do I know whether the song has a copyright or not? Where do I look it up? This is the song by Louis Armstrong, what a wodnerful world! Thanks for the info.



      • lovethatbluegrassmusic

        • Jul 2006
        • 495

        Re: How do I put music on my website?

        The other way to do it. Right click on each page. Select Properties.
        Go to 'background' and see a field for 'sound'.
        You can select a mp3 for music that will play when the page is openned.
        You may also select 'once' or 'continuous loop'.

        However, this method will restart the music when going from
        page to page.
        Brad Arnold.......

        !Free Search Engine Submission!
        Talking Avatar for your web site!
        Free sound editor
        Voda Host Tutorials


        • FPRob

          • Aug 2006
          • 955

          Re: How do I put music on my website?

          I can tell you for sure that the song you wish to use definitely carries a copyright... All records and song artists etc are protected by copyright. The only way to be sure that you can use a song is if you wrote the song yourself or if you purchased a licenece from the record company in question.

          I'd advise against using the song!



          • allan

            • May 2005
            • 50

            Re: How do I put music on my website?

            So all music must have copyrights and how can we put music on the webpages? How do we get permission?


            • ez-ez
              Special Status

              • Mar 2006
              • 1329

              Re: How do I put music on my website?

              Most copyright laws exempt the user from liability if the clip is no longer than 30 seconds.. Many people loop 30 second clips, Alternatively, music for the web can now be purchased just like pictures with royalty and copyright terms allowing you to publish.. I would Google 'buy music for web pages copyright royalty'.

              As Rob said above, the chances are the 'Song' is protected, just like all other music.


              • Andy128
                Major General

                • Dec 2005
                • 2317

                Re: How do I put music on my website?

                Surely you must know some one in band? Maybe get on of their songs to
                play in the back ground. ALso- most local bands would love to give you permission to play their songs as it gives them publicity.

                Just a thought!

                PHP- is a blast!


                • FPRob

                  • Aug 2006
                  • 955

                  Re: How do I put music on my website?

                  Carlos and Andy are both totally correct. The answer is that you cannot put music on your website unless you own the copyright or you know musician that will freely let you use their intellectual property.

                  What Carlos was saying about using a 30 second (or less) loop is also right. It is very unlikely that you will get into trouble for doing that.

                  You cant just obtain permission either, you will normally have to pay a license fee which will run for a year. During that time you can do anything with the music, even re-release it as a new single/album if you wish.

                  You will normally find that if your music is based around a particular band or artist then you can get away with a bit more because, as Andy says, it is promotion for the band but.. If you look at people like say.. Madonna or Michael Jackson.. They do not need to be promoted by little tiny website owners like us so.. you willl pporbably still get the weight of the law landing on your shoulders.


