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Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

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  • Collectors-info
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    On you menu page http://www.???? you don’t seemed to of inserted the part in red ................................................
    <? function menu_stu_2 () { ?>
    in the properties/html “Start of Page” & on the same page the you need to put.........
    In the html page end area. Then republish.

    The code that should look like this
    include ("menu_stu_2.php");
    will go in a normal html box on the front of the page you want to see it on.

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  • myjaydee
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi Chris - I did start at the beginning. I have read through every single post on this and I'm stumped.

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  • Collectors-info
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi, go to the beginning as its more involved than just this part of the code.

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  • myjaydee
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP


    Trying to get to grips with this and really am struggling.

    I would like to have a multi part CSS drop down menu on my site, which will be used on dozens of pages, but I can't seem to make the drop down bit work when I start putting them into the individual pages themselves. I have gone through this entire thread, piece by piece and attempted various ways of including this, all with no success. Including trying to incorporate all the pieces into a BV page with functions, etc.

    The final page of this thread states that you can just use
    include 'menu_stu_2.php';

    Guess what - still no luck!

    If I just use Notebook and upload via BlueFTP, the drop down works - (see http://www.???? But no matter what, when I try to put it into another page (no drop down) example - http://www.????

    I know everything's a mess here right now, and that the colours are wrong and the links aren't mine, etc, etc. I just want to make sure this thing works before I start fine tuning everything!

    I do hope that someone can point out the error of my ways.

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  • LynnsBiz
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Thank you so much! This was a HUGE time saver for me!!!

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  • v1cky
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Thanks guys - I pushed the menu up into the left hand corner as instructed and everything is working as it should! Thank you again for the tip - this will revolutionise my website - version 3 is on the way!!

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  • mumu
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Did you placed your menu bar on the top left part of the page?

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  • Sunchaser
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi Vicky

    Is the menu on your menu page right up against the left-hand corner?

    (if there's space above the menu on the menu page, it will create space above the menu on every page that calls it up - pushing the menu down.)

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  • v1cky
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    OK....confused. This is a wicked idea for my site, as my content is refreshed daily. However, why does the HTML box show further down the page when published than my menu bar ever did when they are placed in exactly the same spot on the BV website builder?

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    If you don't want to have dynamic content, the code could be simply:

    include 'pagename.html';

    as this goes on every page where you want the html menu page to appear then saving those pages as php is correct.(any page with php code should be saved as .php)

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  • mumu
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Originally posted by navaldesign View Post
    When i posted this thread, i was (wrongly) supposing that some users would benefit from the function, in example to pass over color schemes (having, with only one menu, multiple looks).
    However, i now understand that NO ONE has ever done this, so i need to clarify:

    If you don't want to have dynamic content, the code could be simply:

    include 'pagename.html';

    and nothing more!

    Also, no need for ANY code in the menu page, which can be plain html (so no need to be php).

    This makes the entire thing much simpler.
    here are the words of naval

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  • mumu
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    but you can do the single menu with html also it does not have to be php

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Use your BV FTP program or your file manager in your Cpanel and delete the .html one.

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  • mboire31
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    ok...i like this php thing...the question i have is i've started changing all of my pages to php because of the menu thing...but i can't get my home page to change...i'll publish it as a php but the html one won't ever go away...what do i do about that? i just need to have my home page a html? thanks for any answers :) is what i want it to be fyi.


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    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Originally posted by davidundalicia View Post
    Went to
    but could not see any mumbo it fixed now?¿
    Hi David

    No I didn't fix it. I reverted back to the page I already had. I will look at it again when I've got more time.


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