Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

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  • WSBlue
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    This technique works for all menus, including text menu? Thanks.

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  • Meanderer
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    I have been able to successfully use this method to place all my elements so far in my first attempt at building a website. The site is in its infancy but is live. I'd really like to use a CSS menu generator which I found on line at
    I need some guidance !!!! The generator only works on line and it gives you a working result on "their" page and two windows - one with the CSS code and one with the HTML code that is required. I've tried fiddling around with trying to place those codes in my page construction but with no success.
    I'm not in the "good books" with my wife having spent so much valuable time 'playing and learning and reading', which I really enjoy.
    I've had to 'bite the bullet' and ask for help.
    Everything I've learnt about web construction I've learnt from this forum and my own persistence in trial and error.
    Hope I can achieve this as I'm not content with what I did achieve with the Blue Voda menus (maybe I could if I kept redesigning and experimenting)
    Thanks in advance.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    As i said, there is a conflict between the two menus. Here is the solution:

    Open your "Myspecialbars" page. Copy the menu. Paste it back in the page 3 - 4 times. Each time you paste it, BV assigns it a new name (instead of MenuBar1 it will assign the new menus names like MenuBar2, MenuBar3 etc.)
    Delete the first ones and only keep the last (which will have a name like MenuBar4 or 5, depending on how many times you have pasted the menu in the page.)
    Save your specialbars page and publish it again.

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  • pioneerVicki
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Here are all the pages that have problems with the menu bar (at the bottom) not showing:-

    There were a couple of others, but I changed the menu bars to hyperlinks.

    The names of the two php pages if you want to check them are:- &

    If I need to change a name, please tell me what where. It probably is something like that because it seems it happened right after I added the menubar to myspecialbar. (Incidently I remember when I first added the menubar it didn't appear on 'preview' & it tooks several attempts at moving it around etc before it finally appeared). Unfortunately I didn't notice there was a problem immediately & even then I thought it was just on one page.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    However,i believe this is a conflict between two of the embedded pages: Menu and Myspecialbars both have a dropdown menu which is, in both cases, named "Menu1" so i believe that this causes a conflict between the two.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi Vicki,

    i need a link to the pages themselves (the problematic ones) not the files. Please post a link to your pages.

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  • pioneerVicki
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Here's 2 for you. My index page has a menubar with links to privacy & Links on it. The products page has a whole swag. I've put links in the 'flags' on the products page - but also put menubar with all the links in at the bottom. Quite a few other pages have menubars as well. I did all my links very carefully as I was building the store.
    Attached Files

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Olease provide a link to one of the problematic pages where the menu disappeared.

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  • pioneerVicki
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    I published as php & everything was working fine. My main menu, which is horizontal, is done on it's own page as per instructions. On several pages (as appropiate) I also had a menu bar at the bottom of the page with related pages on it. eg. Privacy page at the end of the Home/Index Page; about the artists at the bottom of the paintings page etc. No problems.
    Last week (after looking at a couple of stores of other members) because I have so many pages in my store I decided to add a menu bar with some of my product pages to my specials column. (This is also on its own php page.) That worked fine; but my problem now is - all the other menu bars on the other pages have disappeared. They aren't visible in preview or when published. What's happened?

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Originally posted by sbrenusa View Post
    Dear Navel,

    I sent the files, I really appreciate you taking a look at them. I believe I followed the directions correctly, I'm just stumped. All the best. Sbrenusa
    Hi sbrenusa,
    you have mail

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  • sbrenusa
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Dear Navel,

    I sent the files, I really appreciate you taking a look at them. I believe I followed the directions correctly, I'm just stumped. All the best. Sbrenusa

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Please use my form to send me ALL three (page, header, footer) .bvp format files.

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  • sbrenusa
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    This is a fantastic tip, I wish this was a complete forum for itself and I hope this problem has not already been addressed (if so sorry) but there are just too many responses to try and go through each one to find the same issue.

    My problems are two fold - 1.) the links aren't working for my menu and 2.) the footer is showing up twice when published. Very strange.

    I'm hoping to be able to use this for a new site I'm working on, here are some temp pages I published to try it out.

    my menu doesn't publish in php but the links work when I publish it with html:

    Let me know if I should send some php/html code for you to see. The menu seems to show ok - just not the links. The menu for the links was done using the regular menu bar tool - nothing too complicated.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Originally posted by DKFoster01 View Post

    Great explanation of including menus for easy update... stellar!

    This means I have to go back into the navigation menu and rename all links (throughout the site) to a .PHP rather than .HTML#xxx hyperlink, right?


    make sure that all pages (they all of the main menu in them) as .PHP files when I publish.

    Did I get this right. I've only just begun, so it won't be so bad, but is there a "change all function" that can do this?
    Te is no change all function. In fact, if there were, this method would be uselles.

    yes, all pages need to be php. Which means that after you build your menus this way, you will need to republish them as php. And, in the menu, you must change the links to php

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  • pioneerVicki
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Any problem with my pages, or should I go ahead & publish?

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