Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

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  • proactivator
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi navaldesign,
    Many thanks for your help, I cannot download the pages to you now as I deleted them. However, when I try again, I'm pretty sure I'll come running to you for help.

    Hi Andy,
    Your offer of help is much appreciated and I will take you up on it. You have had a look at my site and the thumnails: well, there will be scores more of them ( I have to assemble a sample of the complete range of statuettes, then photograph them, then load into the site: not an overnight job). As each thumbnail links to a separate page and adding pages is a continous job you can see how naval's single menu page would be a great help.

    Regards to both of you,

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    No, you don't need to delete anything, when you will publish the pages again (after editing them) the old files will be overwriten. Try again the form, or try

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  • Andy128
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    I really like your site- nice job. The method that Navaldesign has put together is a real life saver and once you get the hang of it- it is really easy. I am in the process of re-doing my entire site incorporating this method.

    IF you need any help- I would be glad to assist. Simply contact me via my website contact form below and we'll get the bugs on this particular problem worked out. Or you can take Naval (the MASTER) up on his offer. He is one busy man.



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  • proactivator
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi navaldesign,
    I think that I have cured my problem by deleting the php menu page by using file manager. I would like to use your single page menu because my site will be nearly 100 pages when finished. If I try again do I have to delete my navigation bar on published pages?

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  • proactivator
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi navaldesign,
    Have tried submitting via your form, but I get a message saying words to the effect that either my browser does not support cookies or it's an illegal submission. My browser does support cookies so I do not know what's wrong.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    I am not sure what you have done in there. If you wish, send me the menu page and the page itself, so i can have a look. In BV format please. Use my contact form twice to attach the files. Thanks

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  • proactivator
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi navaldesign,
    I have overreached myself! I followed your instructions (or so I thought) re a single menu page but I could not get it to work. All my shortcomings, I'm afraid. Now I've some pages with code all over them after I republished and I do not know how to get rid of it. My site is If you go to the products page>military 1:8 scale you will see what I mean. If there is anything in this thread that I have not seen I own up to not reading it all (attention span issues) and will take a severe ticking off like a man.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    A text menu is the same (as SE are concernes) as a CSS based text menu. And, it is the best solution for SE.

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  • lunatunes
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Ok!!! I got it all figured out and working. The key was to read the entire thread....ooops :)

    I simply had to go into my control panel and delete the old files plus change my link extensions to php. Didn't realize I had to do that.
    Good thing I'm just starting this site.

    Question about my navigation bar: It's not a BV menu bar. Its just text links on a background. Would I still be better off using a CSS text menu bar for SE purposes. Here is the link:

    Also I read that SE dont like the BV drop down menu. Does that go for CSS drop down menus also.

    This forum and the help it gives is like nothing Ive seen.
    Thanks Blue voda

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  • lunatunes
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    "Ok, you are done. I’ll just take a minute to explain what you have done: You have created a menu bar. The php code you have placed in this page, has defined the html code of this page, as a php function, named “menu”. Then, in the main page, you are calling this page, and then, you just call the function “menu”, which creates the menubar in your page"

    What do you mean by the main page? Do you mean my home page or the index page?

    This whole sentence is very confusing:
    Then, in the main page, you are calling this page, and then, you just call the function “menu”, which creates the menubar in your page"

    Could you explain this.....Please!


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  • lunatunes
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Can anyone help me? I dont know where to start in solving this problem


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  • lunatunes
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    I put the html block with the code inside to call the menu page on my index page and the blasting abrasives page. The link to which is found on the abrasives page just below the header.


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  • navaldesign
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    What is the page that is calling the menu.php page ?

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  • lunatunes
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hi, I have read through this thread and nothing is changing on my site.

    Here is my site:

    The menu bar you see on the left is the same one that is on the menu page you said I should make.
    Could this be the problem: instead of creating a blank page I cloned my index page and just deleted everything on it except for the navigation bar and renamed it "menu" page. Also that navigation bar is not made from the menu bar icon but is just shape boxes with text.
    Not even the "test number 2" which is on their is gone which I removed.

    Thanks much,

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  • matrixxxxxx1
    Re: Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP

    Hey Navaldesign

    It's ok. I got it sorted out. I copied and pasted it the html box from a previous menu and forgot to change the name in the start of the page, which is your step 2 "
    <? function menu() { ?>
    it should've benn
    <? function articles_menu() { ?>


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