Hi, if you need to display the data in your pages in a customizable format, you can use the following script, which displays the date in a rectangle (it is a form field actually, looks like a rectangle):
<form name=myForm>
<input type=text style="position:absolute;width:250px;border:1px #000080 solid;background-color:#E1F1FF;color:#000080;font-family:Arial;font-style:italic;font-size:14 "value="Loading..." name=clock></form>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function runClock(){
theTime = window.setTimeout("runClock()", 1000);
d = new Date();
day = d.getDay();
mon = d.getMonth();
date = d.getDate();
year = d.getYear();
hr = d.getHours();
min = d.getMinutes();
sec = d.getSeconds();
if(year<1000){year=(""+(year+11900)).substring(1,5 );}
if(hr==0){ap=" AM";hr=12}
else if(hr <= 11){ap=" AM"}
else if(hr == 12){ap=" PM";hr=12}
else if(hr >= 13){ap=" PM";hr-=12}
if(min <= 9){min="0"+min}
if(sec <= 9){sec="0"+sec}
zday=new Array();
zday=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thurs day" ,"Friday","Saturday"];
zmon=new Array();
zmon=["January","February","March","April","May","Ju ne", "July","August","September","October","Novembe r"," December"];
document.myForm.clock.value=""+zday[day]+", "+zmon[mon]+" "+date+", "+year+" "+hr+":"+min+":"+sec+ap+"";}
Drag a html box in your page. Pste the code in it. You are done!
You can customize the script as for width of the box, border thickness, border color, background color, font size, type and color. Simply change the values of the parts in RED.
Those who are a bit more expert, can also change the format of the date. If, in example you only want to dispaly the date in a "25-2-08" format (for February 25, 2008 you need to customize it to be :
<form name=myForm>
<input type=text style="position:absolute;width:60px;border:1px #000080 solid;background-color:#E1F1FF;color:#000080;font-family:Arial;font-style:italic;font-size:14 "value="Loading..." name=clock></form>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function runClock(){
theTime = window.setTimeout("runClock()", 1000);
d = new Date();
day = d.getDay();
mon = d.getMonth();
date = d.getDate();
year = d.getYear();
hr = d.getHours();
min = d.getMinutes();
sec = d.getSeconds();
if(year<1000){year=(""+(year+11900)).substring(3,5 );}
if(hr==0){ap=" AM";hr=12}
else if(hr <= 11){ap=" AM"}
else if(hr == 12){ap=" PM";hr=12}
else if(hr >= 13){ap=" PM";hr-=12}
if(min <= 9){min="0"+min}
if(sec <= 9){sec="0"+sec}
zday=new Array();
zday=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thurs day" ,"Friday","Saturday"];
To place the script in your pages, simply add a HTML box in your page, and paste the script in it.
<form name=myForm>
<input type=text style="position:absolute;width:250px;border:1px #000080 solid;background-color:#E1F1FF;color:#000080;font-family:Arial;font-style:italic;font-size:14 "value="Loading..." name=clock></form>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function runClock(){
theTime = window.setTimeout("runClock()", 1000);
d = new Date();
day = d.getDay();
mon = d.getMonth();
date = d.getDate();
year = d.getYear();
hr = d.getHours();
min = d.getMinutes();
sec = d.getSeconds();
if(year<1000){year=(""+(year+11900)).substring(1,5 );}
if(hr==0){ap=" AM";hr=12}
else if(hr <= 11){ap=" AM"}
else if(hr == 12){ap=" PM";hr=12}
else if(hr >= 13){ap=" PM";hr-=12}
if(min <= 9){min="0"+min}
if(sec <= 9){sec="0"+sec}
zday=new Array();
zday=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thurs day" ,"Friday","Saturday"];
zmon=new Array();
zmon=["January","February","March","April","May","Ju ne", "July","August","September","October","Novembe r"," December"];
document.myForm.clock.value=""+zday[day]+", "+zmon[mon]+" "+date+", "+year+" "+hr+":"+min+":"+sec+ap+"";}
Drag a html box in your page. Pste the code in it. You are done!
You can customize the script as for width of the box, border thickness, border color, background color, font size, type and color. Simply change the values of the parts in RED.
Those who are a bit more expert, can also change the format of the date. If, in example you only want to dispaly the date in a "25-2-08" format (for February 25, 2008 you need to customize it to be :
<form name=myForm>
<input type=text style="position:absolute;width:60px;border:1px #000080 solid;background-color:#E1F1FF;color:#000080;font-family:Arial;font-style:italic;font-size:14 "value="Loading..." name=clock></form>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function runClock(){
theTime = window.setTimeout("runClock()", 1000);
d = new Date();
day = d.getDay();
mon = d.getMonth();
date = d.getDate();
year = d.getYear();
hr = d.getHours();
min = d.getMinutes();
sec = d.getSeconds();
if(year<1000){year=(""+(year+11900)).substring(3,5 );}
if(hr==0){ap=" AM";hr=12}
else if(hr <= 11){ap=" AM"}
else if(hr == 12){ap=" PM";hr=12}
else if(hr >= 13){ap=" PM";hr-=12}
if(min <= 9){min="0"+min}
if(sec <= 9){sec="0"+sec}
zday=new Array();
zday=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thurs day" ,"Friday","Saturday"];
To place the script in your pages, simply add a HTML box in your page, and paste the script in it.