and Navaldesign suggest me to post here again and yes, that was a good idea.
this is about how to make a new window open (_blank target) for Go Menu feature on bluevoda, because right now blue voda doesn't have it yet and for sure will be for the next version.
so while we are waiting for the BV new version, we can play a little bit and do a trick on it.
here we go:
- create go menu using bluevoda
- right click go menu area then click html properties
- insert this script in after tag of go menu html :Code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function Open(page) { OpenWin =, "CtrlWindow", "toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); } //--> </SCRIPT>
- Now go to Go menu properties, double click go menu area, add whatever option you want to put, and on the URL instead of only put the http://www.yourdomain/yourpage.html you have to write javascript:Open('http://www.yourdomain/yourpage.html')