Pop Up & Pop Up again

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  • L711inda

    • Aug 2006
    • 21

    Re: Pop Up & Pop Up again

    Okay, I did that. And I can see how wonderfully it works! But......how do I get that to be my menu button on my home page?


    • Aliens Anonymous
      Special Status

      • Jan 2006
      • 1144

      Re: Pop Up & Pop Up again

      if you have button images on the page delet them and replace with the html boxs, one for each button, you must change the button code within the script also the ulr or you will get all the same buttons. just in case your stuck i've done the scripts for enter the hole of the script into a html box make the box about the same size as the buttons, then postion were you want the buttons, preview the page move box untill in right postion.then publish.

      <TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href="<A href="http://lsjservices.com/index.html"><IMG">http://lsjservices.com/index.html"><IMG id="bv01001" src="bv01001.gif" alt="http://lsjservices.com/index.html" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01001','bv01001_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01001','bv01001.gif') "></A></TD>
      <TD width="4"></TD><TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href=" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/accounting.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;""><IMG id="bv01002" src="bv01002.gif" alt="http://#" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/accounting.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;"" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01002','bv01002_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01002','bv01002.gif') "></A></TD>
      <TD width="4"></TD><TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href=" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/computer_cleanup.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;""><IMG id="bv01003" src="bv01003.gif" alt="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/computer_cleanup.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;"" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01003','bv01003_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01003','bv01003.gif') "></A></TD>
      <TD width="4"></TD><TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href=" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/computer_training.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;""><IMG id="bv01004" src="bv01004.gif" alt="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/computer_training.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;"" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01004','bv01004_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01004','bv01004.gif') "></A></TD>
      <TD width="4"></TD><TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href=" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/proofreading.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;""><IMG id="bv01005" src="bv01005.gif" alt="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.lsjservices.com/proofreading.html', '','width=400,height=200'); return false;"" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01005','bv01005_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01005','bv01005.gif') "></A></TD>


      • Aliens Anonymous
        Special Status

        • Jan 2006
        • 1144

        Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

        delete the first button script
        <TD align="left" valign="top" width="131" height="27"><A href="<A href="http://lsjservices.com/index.html"><IMG">http://lsjservices.com/index.html"><IMG id="bv01001" src="bv01001.gif" alt="http://lsjservices.com/index.html" align="top" border="0" width="131" height="27" onmouseover="SwapImage(1,0,'bv01001','bv01001_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01001','bv01001.gif') "></A></TD>

        as this is a normal button.


        • L711inda

          • Aug 2006
          • 21

          Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

          When I first looked at all of this gobble-de-gook, I said to myself that there's no way I can do this!! But I looked at it a few different times and thought it through, then I did it and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I did look at the HTML of my original menu buttons (I figured out how to do that all by myself!), and the code was definitely in there twice and there was no way for me to delete the 2nd code. I reported it as a bug in the forum, but I see that somebody has taken my post off - hopefully to work on the problem! Anyway, the menu buttons work perfectly, and I thank you again, but I have one more teensy problem, then I'll be outta' your hair! When I do a 'mouse over', the buttons don't work like the home page one. Is there any way to make them work like that one? Please? At this point, I'm just very glad that only one window opens now instead of 2, if somebody decides to go to the site.

          Thank you, thank you again!! This has been very frustrating for me because I don't know what I'm doing, and nobody else had any solutions remotely close to being a correct one! I do appreciate your efforts.



          • Aliens Anonymous
            Special Status

            • Jan 2006
            • 1144

            Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

            in the script you will see ,'bv01005','bv01005_over .gif' . open your ftp manager on the right side look for the buttons bv01005 and bv01005_over.gif copy them back down to your computer to were you can find them . then check them do this for all the buttons involed. a easyier way is to do it is to make a new page put buttons on the page that you want ie name,stlye, mouseover, then publish. then go to ftp manager find the new buttons on right write down there names exact names ( for 4 buttons you have 8 names ) then replace the bv namesin script with new ones. delete the page you published then new buttons on.


            • L711inda

              • Aug 2006
              • 21

              Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

              You're really trying to turn me into a programmer, aren't you?? LOL If I had any clue as to what I was doing it would be a big help! LOL Luckily, I'm trainable, as evidenced by my successful completion of the previous instructions, but this is pushing it!! LOL I'll see what I can come up with and get back to you! Thanks again!! ;)


              • Aliens Anonymous
                Special Status

                • Jan 2006
                • 1144

                Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                No problem, have faith in your Abilities and anything is possible.


                • L711inda

                  • Aug 2006
                  • 21

                  Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                  LOL Well, having faith and having abilities are 2 entirely different things!! LOL I may have the faith but the ability is sorely lacking!! LOL Anyway, they're almost there! I had a heck of a time trying to find the FTP Manager, but I managed! No pun intended! ;) My only problem now is that when I do a mouse over, the button doesn't change, but I see a #. They don't change the way the Home button does. I didn't put in a URL for the buttons on the new page I created and published. Was I supposed to? Or is there something else I'm supposed to do that I missed?

                  Thank you once again! :)



                  • Aliens Anonymous
                    Special Status

                    • Jan 2006
                    • 1144

                    Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                    have you published the new page if so can you post it please i will have a look .


                    • L711inda

                      • Aug 2006
                      • 21

                      Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                      Yes, it's published. www.lsjservices.com


                      • Aliens Anonymous
                        Special Status

                        • Jan 2006
                        • 1144

                        Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                        in the script find 1,0,'bv01010','bv01010_over .gif')" onmouseout="SwapImage(0,0,'bv01005','bv01005.gif') the bit in red need to be the same as blue


                        • L711inda

                          • Aug 2006
                          • 21

                          Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                          I was wondering about that, but it wasn't in the original instructions so I didn't change that one. ;) Okay, one more try!


                          • L711inda

                            • Aug 2006
                            • 21

                            Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                            That didn't fix it. :(


                            • Nyoman

                              • Sep 2005
                              • 426

                              Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                              as bluevoda navigator button is using fix script and include alt text, so to avoid double up onclick script make sure you fill it up every alternate text on each button with whatever you want.

                              double click your navigation button >edit > alternate text.



                              • L711inda

                                • Aug 2006
                                • 21

                                Re: Pop Up &amp; Pop Up again

                                I knew it had to be something very simple that was causing me such grief! Thank you so much for your help!

                                Linda :)

