If you have read my profile you'll understand that I'm not the brightest light on the Christmas Tree, so what I ask here would you please keep your response simple and please only respond to what I ask about and don't go into all that computer talk that I don't understand.
If you go on the internet to btsc.me (my website) you will see that it's pretty simple and all that is there is what my wife has spent hours workin' to get there. I have a home page, I have a 'Wooden Toys' page and a 'Where I Live' page. The current problem is 'I want to attach pdf files to my 'Wooden Toy' page, Now my question is
(1) Do I need to upload my pdf file to my c-pannel and how do I do that?
(2) Where in c-pannel do I have to load it to?
(3) And do I need to make a special file in which to house me pdf files?
Me aim is to at a later date to have my webpages work like this.
(a) when someone visits my 'Wooden Toy' page they can go to the welcome button, click on it and me pdf file will open. When they finish reading it they can then close it and go onto other pdf files that I'll later have on the same page. Now please don't confuse me with this which I will ask about later, if you can just respond to the questions (1) to (3) I'd be very happy.
Sorry but as for the Tutorials, they are to me about as useful to me as trying how to fly a Jumbo Jet, they just don't compute with me.
btsc Kev.
If you have read my profile you'll understand that I'm not the brightest light on the Christmas Tree, so what I ask here would you please keep your response simple and please only respond to what I ask about and don't go into all that computer talk that I don't understand.
If you go on the internet to btsc.me (my website) you will see that it's pretty simple and all that is there is what my wife has spent hours workin' to get there. I have a home page, I have a 'Wooden Toys' page and a 'Where I Live' page. The current problem is 'I want to attach pdf files to my 'Wooden Toy' page, Now my question is
(1) Do I need to upload my pdf file to my c-pannel and how do I do that?
(2) Where in c-pannel do I have to load it to?
(3) And do I need to make a special file in which to house me pdf files?
Me aim is to at a later date to have my webpages work like this.
(a) when someone visits my 'Wooden Toy' page they can go to the welcome button, click on it and me pdf file will open. When they finish reading it they can then close it and go onto other pdf files that I'll later have on the same page. Now please don't confuse me with this which I will ask about later, if you can just respond to the questions (1) to (3) I'd be very happy.
Sorry but as for the Tutorials, they are to me about as useful to me as trying how to fly a Jumbo Jet, they just don't compute with me.
btsc Kev.