URL to a point on a page with no bookmark.

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  • VodaHost
    Re: URL to a point on a page with no bookmark.


    It would be easier to link to a specific object instead like you would do with a bookmark. In order to do this on another page first right click on the object you want to link to and assign it an ID, you can do this be going to the object html, right click on the object and select HTML. Next in the before tag add:

    <a id="some_identifying_text_here">

    Then in the after tag add:


    Then you can save the page. Next open the page you want to link from, create the link as normal except add at the end:


    So an example link:

    (your URL here)/page_that_you_are_linking_to_here.html#some_identi fying_text_here

    This will take you directly to the text or object that you want on the other page.

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  • Collectors-info
    started a topic URL to a point on a page with no bookmark.

    URL to a point on a page with no bookmark.

    Hi, is there url link to a page & a point on a page.?? Normally a bookmark, but i cant put a book mark on the destination page. So is there some sort of url that will land on a page & go to somthing like a pixel point of "down 545px & left 333px" a bit like a longitude/********. Or possibly aim for a word in the script below as a book mark. I am aiming to have one group of just four switch's show as a pop up on my web page. We can call the destination page www.switch.co.uk Thanks.

    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=""><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico"><title>eWeLink Web</title><link href="static/css/chunk-278d4643.0a75b297.css" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/css/chunk-902ce38c.cd7a97f7.css" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/css/chunk-f1cc77c8.3b98a11c.css" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/js/chunk-278d4643.3bacfe56.js" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/js/chunk-2d0bfed2.81dedbac.js" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/js/chunk-2d221b9d.7020aad5.js" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/js/chunk-902ce38c.f36fc619.js" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/js/chunk-f1cc77c8.db9e2906.js" rel="prefetch"><link href="static/css/app.eca77a46.css" rel="preload" as="style"><link href="static/css/chunk-vendors.d04860c8.css" rel="preload" as="style"><link href="static/js/app.1de1587b.js" rel="preload" as="script"><link href="static/js/chunk-vendors.fde5132c.js" rel="preload" as="script"><link href="static/css/chunk-vendors.d04860c8.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="static/css/app.eca77a46.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><noscript><strong>We're sorry but eWeLink Web doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong></noscript><div id="app"></div><script async src="https://s9.cnzz.com/z_stat.php?id=1280059512&web_id=1280059512"></script><script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-168897091-1"></script><script src="static/js/chunk-vendors.fde5132c.js"></script><script src="static/js/app.1de1587b.js"></script></body></html>

    Part of the destination page.