Step-by-step tutorials

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  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Step-by-step tutorials

    Greetings to my BV family,

    I have created some tutorials specific to BV and have them complied on my web site. I did this as there seemed to be certain topics that always come up and by creating step-by-step tutorials- I could save my fingers from typing so much. (Naveldesign must have nubs for fingers!)

    The tutorials so far cover; picture displays, php mail to contact forms, I-Frames, and the new one- Form field validation. They can be found here;

    If anyone finds errors within the tutorials- please let me know. I will add more tutorials as I am able.

    Thanks to all who have pointed me in the right direction and helped me along the path to web building.

    Have a great day!
    **BV Rocks
    PHP- is a blast!
  • davidundalicia

    • Mar 2006
    • 6294

    Re: Step-by-step tutorials

    Just read your NEW tutorial Keith on Form field validation....
    Smashing job, just what the doctor ordered.....
    Well done...........
    Perhaps this will save naval some time for himself now.....
    Job well done by everyone concerned.
    Have fun
    Regards..... David

    Step by Step Visual Tutorials for the complete beginner
    Newbies / Beginners Forum
    FREE Membership Login Scripts: - Meta Tags Analyzer
    My Social Networking Site - Free Contact Forms
    Finished your New website!! Now get it noticed Here:


    • doug145
      Sergeant First Class

      • Sep 2006
      • 56

      Please help


      I am brand new to Blue Voda. I want to include screenshots of Egold batch payouts in one of my webpages. I have been able to copy the image into MS Word, but I cannot go any further than that. Please tell me how to create an image of my screenshot from my Word document so I can import it onto my web page with Blue Voda.



      • Andy128
        Major General

        • Dec 2005
        • 2317

        Re: Step-by-step tutorials


        Hit the button at the top named "Print Screen".

        Then open Microsoft Paint (Start>All Programs> Accessories > Paint)

        Click on Edit and then click on Paste. That will essentially paste your screen shot to the program Paint. From there you can trim, color, cut sections and do many other "editing" things to your image. When done- click on File and then Save As. Name the file what ever you wish and then choose jpeg as the format that you wish to save it in and the location that you wish to save it.

        Now it is a picture (jpeg) and you can incorporate it any way you wish into your site.

        Hope that helps.

        PHP- is a blast!


        • doug145
          Sergeant First Class

          • Sep 2006
          • 56

          Re: Step-by-step tutorials


          I will give that suggestion a try. Thanks!



          • #6
            Re: Step-by-step tutorials

            Brilliant piece of security scripting. I have puzzled for months why I have recieving spam mails from to emails addresses, that only appears on my contact-us forms. You solved my problem!
            I have one question
            I want to use this script to allow my customers to access my downloads. Is there a way one could add script or link in the script to re-direct clients to the download page.?
            Appreciate your help


            • Andy128
              Major General

              • Dec 2005
              • 2317

              Re: Step-by-step tutorials

              Thanks for the kind words.
              Yes you can have the script re-direct your customer to a
              download page. Place the following script at the end of the
              script that you used from the tutorial.
              echo'<meta http-equiv= "refresh" content= "0; URL = Location: http://www.yourwebpagehere">';
              The zero represents the amount of time that the script pauses before re-directing to the
              specified page. So change it to 4 or 5. Test it to make sure your customers have time to
              read your - "Thank you for filling out our form. We will blah, blah, blah....etc..."
              So to show an example- the bottom part of the script would look like so;
              echo "Thank you for visiting our site and filling out our form. We will get back to you very soon!";
              echo'<meta http-equiv= "refresh" content= "5; URL = Location: http: //www.yourwebpagehere">';
              Or- you could create a link with basic html and place it in an html box below the other html box.
              In that html box paste the following and change it to meet your needs;
              <a href = "http: //">Click here to download your purchase</a>
              That should achieve what you are looking for.

              PHP- is a blast!


              • doug145
                Sergeant First Class

                • Sep 2006
                • 56

                Re: Step-by-step tutorials


                I tried your suggestion. But when I cut and paste from Word to Paint, Paint reduces the image so it is too small. When I expand it in Paint, then the image is blurry. It is nice and clear in Word. How do I keep Paint from reducing the size of what I paste into it?



                • Andy128
                  Major General

                  • Dec 2005
                  • 2317

                  Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                  I suggest you use the original picture. You stated that you copied it to word. Then tried to copy from word to paint. The image has been reduced going from word to paint.

                  I find that if I take a screen shot and need the entire screen as my picture (not just a portion of it) then I often simply paste the image to paint and immediately save as a jpg. Then I open the picture in another paint program and manually set the picture size to that which is desired- such as 240X200 or 800X600 etc....

                  That has been the only way that I have been able to reduce the entire size of the photo and still keep clairity.

         is a new program that is free and may address the issue of reducing the size of the entire picture or you could us pixresizer.

                  So in short- use the print screen and paint to save a screen shot and then use another photo program to reduce the size of the picture.

                  PHP- is a blast!


                  • #10
                    Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                    Originally posted by Andy128
                    Thanks for the kind words.
                    Yes you can have the script re-direct your customer to a
                    download page. Place the following script at the end of the
                    script that you used from the tutorial.
                    The zero represents the amount of time that the script pauses before re-directing to the
                    specified page. So change it to 4 or 5. Test it to make sure your customers have time to
                    read your - "Thank you for filling out our form. We will blah, blah, blah....etc..."
                    So to show an example- the bottom part of the script would look like so;

                    Or- you could create a link with basic html and place it in an html box below the other html box.
                    In that html box paste the following and change it to meet your needs;

                    That should achieve what you are looking for.

                    Brilliant, took some time to figure out not to use = (Location:) in the script.
                    Works like a dream. I suggest you add this to your tutorial, as there are many beginners in BV, like me, out there.


                    • #11
                      Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                      Hi Andy,
                      i have use the same php secure script and adapted it for use on one of my subdomains. I followed exactly the same procedures, but when I submit the form, i get this error message
                      Parse error.syntax error, unexpected'[in/home/username/public_html/subdomain/process123.php on line 95
                      Any idea on this,
                      thanks in advance


                      • Andy128
                        Major General

                        • Dec 2005
                        • 2317

                        Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                        Copy and paste the script you used and I'll take a look at it. Make sure to copy the script that you used- not the script from the tutorial.

                        PHP- is a blast!


                        • #13
                          Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                          can i send you the file through skype or email
                          Talented people like yourself should use GROOVE.
                          You can check it out and download from
                          This allows you to have100% confidential correspondence with your client if you do not want to use an open forum.


                          • #14
                            Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                            $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name'];
                            $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
                            $telephone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['telephone'];
                            $persons= $HTTP_POST_VARS['persons'];
                            $arrival= $HTTP-POST_VARS['arrival'];
                            $depart= $HTTP_POST_VARS['depart'];

                            if (strlen($name) == 0)
                            echo "It appears that you have forgot to fill in your name in the Name field. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and enter your name. Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($name) >=30)
                            echo "The length limit for the Name field cannot exceed 30 characters / spaces. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and shorten this entry. Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($email) == 0)
                            echo "The E-mail field is a required entry. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and enter a contact E-mail address. Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($email) >= 45)
                            echo "The length limit for the E-Mail field cannot exceed 45 characters / spaces. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and shorten this entry. Thank you!";
                            if (! ereg('[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+', $email))
                            echo "I believe that there is an error in the way you entered your E-mail address. Please check your entry and re-submit. Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($persons) >= 2)
                            echo "Please enter the number persons maximum 4. It appears that you have exceeded that limit. Please use the back button to return to the form and shorten this entry.Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($arrival) >= 6)
                            echo "Please enter your arrival date. Please use the back button to return to the form.Thank you!";
                            if (strlen($depart) >= 6)
                            echo "Please enter your intended departure date. Please use the back button to return to the form.Thank you!";
                            //SEND MAIL
                            $mailto = "";
                            $mailsubj = "Dolphin Cottage reservation";
                            $mailhead = "From: $email\n";
                            reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
                            $mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form:\n";
                            while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
                            $mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
                            echo "Thank you for visiting our site and reservation request. We will get confirm your reservation dates soonest!";


                            • Andy128
                              Major General

                              • Dec 2005
                              • 2317

                              Re: Step-by-step tutorials

                              It took me a bit- but you were missing a bracket (See below in blue). Put the bracket in and give it another try.


                              $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name'];
                              $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
                              $telephone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['telephone'];
                              $persons= $HTTP_POST_VARS['persons'];
                              $arrival= $HTTP-POST_VARS['arrival'];
                              $depart= $HTTP_POST_VARS['depart'];

                              if (strlen($name) == 0)
                              echo "It appears that you have forgot to fill in your name in the Name field. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and enter your name. Thank you!";
                              if (strlen($name) >=30)
                              echo "The length limit for the Name field cannot exceed 30 characters / spaces. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and shorten this entry. Thank you!";
                              if (strlen($email) == 0)
                              echo "The E-mail field is a required entry. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and enter a contact E-mail address. Thank you!";
                              if (strlen($email) >= 45)
                              echo "The length limit for the E-Mail field cannot exceed 45 characters / spaces. Please use the Back Button to return to the form and shorten this entry. Thank you!";
                              if (! ereg('[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+', $email))
                              echo "I believe that there is an error in the way you entered your E-mail address. Please check your entry and re-submit. Thank you!";
                              if (strlen($persons) >= 2)
                              echo "Please enter the number persons maximum 4. It appears that you have exceeded that limit. Please use the back button to return to the form and shorten this entry.Thank you!";
                              if (strlen($arrival) >= 6)
                              echo "Please enter your arrival date. Please use the back button to return to the form.Thank you!";
                              } /// you forgot this one bracket
                              if (strlen($depart) >= 6)
                              echo "Please enter your intended departure date. Please use the back button to return to the form.Thank you!";
                              //SEND MAIL
                              $mailto = "";
                              $mailsubj = "Dolphin Cottage reservation";
                              $mailhead = "From: $email\n";
                              reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
                              $mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form:\n";
                              while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
                              $mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
                              echo "Thank you for visiting our site and reservation request. We will get confirm your reservation dates soonest!";
                              PHP- is a blast!

