How to Edit a Form

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  • ericacrosley
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Thank you navaldesign! All of our websites forms work again!

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Please replace the code with the following:

    $mailto = "prideoftexasfestival******.com";
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    if ($email == "") {
    $email = $mailto;
    $mailsubj = "Pride of Texas Festival Registration 2014";
    $mailhead = "From: $email\n";
    reset ($_POST);
    $mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form :\n";
    while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_POST))
    if ($key!="submit")
    $mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
    mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);

    To replace the code, open the "success" page in BV, select Page HTML, click on the "Start of Page" tab, and remove the code in there with the one I posted (in the lower window)

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  • ericacrosley
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Is the following the PHP code?

    $mailto = "prideoftexasfestival******.com";
    $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
    if ($email == "") {
    $email = $mailto;
    $mailsubj = "Pride of Texas Festival Registration 2014";
    $mailhead = "From: $email\n";
    reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
    $mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form :\n";
    while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
    if ($key!="submit")
    $mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
    mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    What's the PHP code in the "Thank_You_for_Registering_for_2014.php" page ?I can't say what the issue is until I see the PHP code in that page (which processes the form).

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  • ericacrosley
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Asking for help from navaldesign.

    This form: has stopped working. It worked properly by sending the information to my email address up until 2 weeks ago. According to vodahost server techs there is a coding issue. I have no idea what that means. Please help me as I have the same form on 5 sites and none of them are working.

    Please help. Thanks!

    Erica C

    1. << Sign-up page with FORM is "html" ... BV FORM Pages should be published as "php"
    Also, the FORM FIELDS are way to the right of the page (likely out of the Form boundary) and indicates a BV11 page being re-formatted by BV12 ... it should be re-done entirely in BV12 within the preset page and Form borders. << "Success" page published as "php" when BV script links to "html" page

    But this Sign-Up page seems to be using a script in addition to a BV script?? (Email marketing by BenchmarK

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  • ericacrosley
    Coding in form not please

    I have had a form on 5 sites for 7 years and they have worked until recently. I'm not receiving the information sent to my email. I receive the email saying the subject line but that is it. I opened a ticket and was sent to the server tech who says I need to find a developer to fix the problem. I need to know what do to.

    Please help.



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  • ericacrosley
    Form does not send information to email

    I built a registration form for our festival about 7 years ago and have updated it each year by copying and pasting the new information. It has worked great until last week. 2 error messages appeared at the top of the php Thank you page. That was fixed by the server tech but the info people type in is not being sent to my email. The server tech says it is a script issue. I have no idea how to fix this. I have also noticed that is happening on our other sites as well.

    Please help me.

    The website is:

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  • BennBenn
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    I have a problem. I have my form working, I added a Upload botton, but is not working.
    what a receive in my e-mail is this:
    Submitted UpLoad Video form:
    IP Address : XX.XXX.XXX.XX
    name : John
    song_name : Do
    I'm a : Producer
    contry : USA
    live in : Atlanta
    State : GA
    phone :
    Email : testing*****
    But i dont see noware say Upload, so i dont receive the uploaded file.

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  • BennBenn
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Erica I'm not sure what you triying to say, But if it display as "ME" check and make sure you click on the e-mail in your BV editor and check what you wrote in the General tab and change it to "email", if you like you can also click on the validate tab and change the "Data type:" to "EmailAddress" that way it will only accept e-mail's

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  • ericacrosley
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    I've made the form and it works. What I need to know is how do I make the sender email display as the sender email in my inbox? As of now it displays as "me".

    I made it work on my other website ( but can't figure out what I did.

    Please help. Thanks!

    Erica C

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    The internal functions were create for a single level folder name.
    You can try this: use as upload folder: uploads/mp3/mp3

    However I'm not sure if this will work.

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  • BennBenn
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Hello, I have an other question
    I see the example you have here---->

    I'm trying to change my upload folder but it dont work
    I have my file goin to the Uploads folder, In the uploads folder a made a subfolder name mp3, for my music to go there. I try the example that you have in the page
    but it dont work for me. if i put: mp3 in the Value, it makes a folder name mp3 and go there
    If i put: uploads/mp3 it make the same folder mp3 and go to there
    How do i fix this?
    Remember i want it to go to my subfolder name mp3 in my uploads folder

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  • BennBenn
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Ja ja ja ja ja, Who knows, knows
    That was very simple - - - - I'll like to give you a kiss for this info
    but I'm a man, so i'll say Thanks. NAVAL
    It work perfect. Thanks.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Right click the field you want first, and from the right click menu select Move to front.

    Repeat for all fields in the desired order.

    Save, Publish, Refresh your browser to test.

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  • BennBenn
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Hello People - I read all your post and question, it help me a lot
    I got everything working perfect - I have one problems with the Form

    My form is not in other, If you try to TAB true it, it will skip from Name to some where else but the second box
    If you like to see it:
    It's in Spanish, but you can try it and see what i'm saying

    How can i Fix that. Thanks
    Some help please

    Excuse my English

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