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Form problems -

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  • Form problems -

    on my web site I have 3 different forms:

    a. A newsletter registry form on each page on the left. click here to see it.
    b. A contact us form. click here
    c. Send us files from. click here

    my problem is this:

    form A - once you press send you don't get to the success page although it is configured inside the form. The form comes out ok to my E-mail.

    forms B and C - once you submit everything is ok but when I receive my E-mail I cant see any of the details that were written inside the form - I get a blank E mail (I am using outlook 2007) - except for the subject line which is ok.

    what can i do ?

  • #2
    Re: Form problems -

    Contactus and sendusmaterial have wrong encodingtype: needs to be multipart/form data . Change it, save publish. Refresh your browser before testing

    I couldn't find your Newsletter form. ???

    Anyway, if it works, it is simply a question of misstyping the thank you page URL.
    A typical error of many users: typing the URL in the form wizard as . DON'T do that. Type it either as or simply thankyoupage.html
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    Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
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    • #3
      Re: Form problems -

      Its worked, thanks a lot !
      I removed the newsletter form so I don't need it anymore.
      Why do I need to change the encodingtype to multipart / form data and not leave it at the default ?


      • #4
        Re: Form problems -

        because php processors need multipart / form data when you have upload fields
        Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
        Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
        Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


        • #5
          Re: Form problems -

          but the contact us doesn't have an upload fields - only text


          • #6
            Re: Form problems -

            The default is www/url encoded. You had used text/plain. Multipart/form data will work for both cases.

            Explaining why one method works and the other not, exceeds the scope of this forum and is too technical. Just follow my instructions and you will be ok.
            Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
            Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
   Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
            Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!

