One field in a form will not email to me??

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    Hi Ed,

    Yes Sir,

    Thanks so much for the help.

    The email results do run together just like the post and yes, they are very hard to read. How do I fix that?

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  • D'son
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    In your error messages when you leave a box empty.
    Your date of service is not validated.
    Are the combo box answers in the email all run together like in your post? Because I'm not seeing multiple answers, its just hard to tell where one ends and the next begins.

    Also in your combo boxes I would add Choose one as the beginning text, and just say please make a selection in so and so box. Less confusing for the user.

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    Hi Ed,

    Where are you seeing combobox 1,2 3 etc? Is there somewhere else I should be naming them?

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    I did that Ed,

    Here is what Im getting now. Its working..almost. Dont know what we did though.

    I did the TAB thing, I named all comboboxes, I shortened the value/descriptions, and no space in the form name, I also deleted any / or , in the field values or descriptions.

    Here is the last email I received. It is 100% except for there being more than one item per line in the e-mails. Is that fixable?

    Survey Results From The Bassett Survey Center:
    Customer Name : hal
    Email Address : hal.wx4usa********.com
    Date Of Service: : bb
    Describe The Product: : bb
    Describe The Problem Or Issue: : bb
    Who Did You Contact About Your Issue? : bb This Person Listened To Me Attentively: : Strongly Agree This Person Resolved My Concerns To My Complete Satisfaction: : No This Person Called Me When Promised: : Somewhat Agree This Person Seemed Genuinely Concerned About Me : Neutral The Technician Was Polite And Corteous: : Somewhat Disagree Forecast What Needed To Be Done To Repair My Product: : Strongly Disagree Technician Repaired My Product On The First Trip: : Strongly Agree Overall Perceptions Of The Service Team: : Somewhat Satisfied I Will Shop This Store Again: : Neutral General Comments: : test 6:47

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  • D'son
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    I am still seeing editbox 1, editbox 2,........combobox1, combobox2.........ect. You need to give each one of these a name, for example for the name text box name it Name, for email call it email and so on. Give them a name so that when yuo recieve the email you know at a glance what all the fields are and so when we look at the source code we know what it is as well and can figure out what is or is not being sent.

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    Ed, its done.

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    Will do thanks a bunch. This has puzzled me.

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  • D'son
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    First you haven't named all your combo boxes so it is going to be hard to tell what is missing. Second to set the tab order (order of the list) right click the first box, bring to front. Repete with all the other boxes in the order they appear or that you want relavent to importance. Save and republish. Then we can narrow down the problem.

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  • wx4usa
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    Actually now 2 or 3 are not emailing me.

    AND they are not in the same order as the online form.

    Please any help??

    here is a link:

    here is my last email:

    Survey Results From The Bassett Survey Center:
    Customer Name :
    Email Address :
    Button1 : Send
    Date Of Service: :
    Describe The Product: :
    Describe The Problem Or Issue: :
    Who Did You Contact About Your Issue? :
    This Person Listened To Me Attentively: :
    This Person Resolved My Concerns To My Complete Satisfaction: :
    This Person Seemed Genuinely Concerned About Me :
    The Technician Was Polite And Corteous: :
    Overall Perceptions Of The Service Team: :
    I Will Shop This Store Again: :
    General Comments: : test 5:02
    Technician Repaired My Product On The First Trip: :

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: One field in a form will not email to me??

    If you give us the url/address of the form, we can take a look.......

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  • wx4usa
    started a topic One field in a form will not email to me??

    One field in a form will not email to me??

    I have 20 fields in a form and one has decided not to email to me.

    I have reset the form. I have moved the field in and out of the form to make sure it is in the grid.

    All other fields are working.

    The field in question does show up when published. It is a drop down box. It appears to work, just will not appear in the email.

    I have also named the box in the combo box properties dialog box. Also, there are no other boxes with that name in the form.
