Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Thanks...I have got there...and it works of a fashion!!....I did test captcha box, but I can put any old nubers or letter in, and ut then goes to my thank you page!...Is this how it is supposed to work?..I would have thought u needed to put the exact code in the box??
Thanks again,Andy
Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
No, you should not have touched this file.
Place a html box in your form (It will need to have the dimensions of the the captcha that will appear)
Paste the following code in this HTML box:
Code:<img src="" alt="Click for new image" title="Click for new image" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="this.src=''+Math.random()">
Open the folder BV Pages (in the zip)
Open the page "contactform"
Copy / paste the captcha HTML box from "contactform" to your own page
Double click it and edit the two URLs
Please note that this ONLY works when the page is published, not in preview as it is PHP code.
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Then published.....what a mess!!
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
I found a captcha file in my abvfp folder on computer. Opened it,copied details(no sign of URL) created an HTML box on my page,pasted details in box,previewed my page...nothing....
This is what was in captcha file:
$width = 100;
$height = 38;
$font = 'verdana.ttf';
$f_size = 14;
$bg_color = array(240, 240, 240);
$chars = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhKkMmNnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz2345678 9';
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$bkgr = imagecolorallocate($im, $bg_color[0], $bg_color[1], $bg_color[2]);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bkgr);
$code = '';
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$code .= $chr = $chars[mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1)];
imagettftext($im,$f_size,mt_rand(-35,35),5+$i*18,mt_rand(4/3*$f_size,$height-(4/3*$f_size)/2),imagecolorallocate($im,mt_rand(0,192),mt_rand(0 ,192),mt_rand(0,192)),$font,$chr);
$_SESSION['random_txt'] = md5($code);
header('Content-type: image/png');
Many Thanks for help
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Yes, use a HTML box to add the captcha code. The contact form that comes with the ABVFP zip contains a captcha so simply copy / paste and change the necessary URLs in the code.
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Hi George,
Thanks for all your advise over the months,could you give me a bit of help with captcha.Do i use an HTML box under my form to put some script in to 'steer' it to the capcha.php file I have in my ABVFP folder on the server
My form is at and I just want to put captcha box below.
Many Thanks
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Hi again,
I did go to your Contact Form.
I don't have all fields with dropdown options in my (contact) Sign Up form , but I can change that. Database is there created by form. You are correct.
I do need that search feature that would allow to search with one field value or a combination of values (similar to contact form), and the members page with some kind of style witch could be autocreated retrieving the data from the database. Or I would created pages manually looking similar as I send you example, and than I would need just scrip for searching words In the pages search with combination of value (without database).
As I understand In that case each word I want to have included in
the search would have to be inside some code. It will have to something similar like in they have:
Identifying Your Items
An "item" can be any part of a web page, and there can be multiple items per page (like product listings, web site reviews, bios, etc).
Place the following tags before and after each item listed in your site:
<!-- FreeFind Listing -->
<!-- FreeFind End Listing -->
This lets the search engine know what constitutes an item in your list. An "item" may consist of any HTML at all. For example, the FreeFind library search has glossary entry items, FAQ Q&A items, and more all combined into a single list of "things a user might find helpful". A product listing item might include photos of the product, pricing, etc.
I don't know write scripts for website and much about it, even I learn every day something. I need to make this work.
Thank you for help.
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
I will Thank you
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
To be able to do this, you need:
1. A members script (where they create an account with the details (City, state, hair color etc). This would take care of feeding the data in the DB. Please note that for a field to be searchale, your input field should (ideally) have dropdown options for all of the above, otherwise, someone can put, as State (in example) Miami and another one MI . So the search would not provide reliable results
2. A search feature that would allow to search with one field value or a combination of values (State = MIAMI & Gender = Male & Hair Color = Blonde etc) and would display the results in a list.
3. Ideally, the members page could be autocreated retrieving the data from the database.
There might be some scripts that probably can do this (not sure) but not from inside BV. For a BV based script you need to have it custom made and as such it might cost.
If interested in a custom script, you can contact me through my site contact form.
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Hi Navaldesign,
I have new question for you. I need in my web site to have search ability to find members of the site by specific data for example: Country, State, City, Gender , Age, Hair Color, .. ect. which would be indicated in search form.
Something similar like in Soholaunch search from DB table. I can’t use that one
(I thing) because my web is built in VB and I didn’t like how the result table where looking and all flexibility of that program (templates). As I mention before I am new in building web sites. I will have pages in the site for each member. I cannot use eCommerce (I thing so far I see there) because I am not selling them :).
I did checked forum for ‘Search’ and also did go to , All of them have one line search. I would prefer search from inside my web site, but if I have to, I would create DB table. I don’t know what will work in VB program and what program to use for it.
Can you please make suggestion what to do or use.
Thank you Eva
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
The error message is quite clear: some of the details (one or more) are incorrect.
you have not granted the user you created, permissions (ALL) to the specific database you created for ABVFP
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Hello Navaldesign,
Here is what I get when I try to fill the form from my page ( ):
Could not select Database. Please check user details !
What is to be donre to correct this?
Thank you!
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
As i said: look at the email you received, i used EXCACTLY what is in there
CPyourname_ABVFP means that if your control panel username is, in example "hgJklty" that should be "hgJklty_ABVFP"
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Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2
Hi ,
I understand. Can you just tell me, when you where installing ABVFP did you put CPmyname_ABVP or without CP in installation tutorial
Thank you
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