Help: want csv file not to be public

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  • Albert C

    • Jan 2010
    • 12

    Help: want csv file not to be public

    I successfully created a csv file for my subscriptions form, I did some tests, it was working fine, I downloaded it, however, I noticed that it could be downloaded by anyone that finds out its name since it was created on the public_html/ directory. When I created the csv file on a non public directory and on a password protected directory, the file can not be opened apparently by the BV built in form processor and I get a Warning message that says "fopen( .... No such file or directory in /home/......."

    Is there a way around this or am I doing something wrong?
    Last edited by Albert C; 01-13-2010, 04:15 AM. Reason: Add email notification
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

    1st solution (simple): make it a "strange" name: "6oJTRh_f7TTc_654.csv"
    2nd solution: create a .htaccess file that disallows access through HTTP

    In my opinion, the first solution is secure enough as long as you use a long, strange name with chrs and digits. Impossible to guess either by a human or a dictionary attack bot.
    Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
    Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
    Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


    • Albert C

      • Jan 2010
      • 12

      Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

      Thank you. One more thing: in some of my forms, not all fields are mandatory so when not all fields are filled out the data on the csv file gets mixed and it's hard to handle for processing as a data base. Is there something that can be done so when data are saved to the csv file, they go to the right places, leaving blank fields maybe? Or would you suggest rather to use the ABVFP or a data base with phpmyadmin? If so, can you recommend tutorials for that? Here's another example:

      I appreciate your help.


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

        Of course if you use ABVFP you can store all data directly in the Database, in the correct order. You can then download a csv file from the database, through phpMyAdmin.
        Otherwise you would need a custom form processor.

        There is also another trick you can do:

        Your problem arises by the fact that HTML by design sends checkboxes, radio buttons and listboxes values ONLY if checked. In other words, for the processing script, these do NOT exist unless they are selected.
        There is a workaround this. For all these checkboxes, radios etc, ADD an equal number of hidden fields, with the same name, but without any value (or use as value: "No user input"). These are posted anyway, so for the script they exist and as such they are included (without values) in the file. If a checkbox is actually checked, its value will override the hidden field value and you will get it fine in your email and file.
        Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
        Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
        Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


        • Albert C

          • Jan 2010
          • 12

          Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

          Hi, I've tried your suggestions, but weird things are happening when I'm testing. I added as many hidden fields as check boxes and list boxes with the exact same name but no value. I was using the captcha box and I was getting my error page for no reason apparently. I took the captcha box off and the form could be sent, but then I noticed I was getting blank fields eventhough they were selected. It seems like there is a limited number of boxes allowed or something because if I choose to select several or all check boxes I start receiving fields with values and fields with no value (the hidden field) eventhough I checked the boxes on the form. Also, I get first all the check boxes and after those the rest of the text boxes. That happens also on the .csv file. Can I choose the order for the fields to be sent? Can you help?


          • Albert C

            • Jan 2010
            • 12

            Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

            By the way, I tried both: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data. I get the same problem. What's the difference?


            • navaldesign
              General & Forum Moderator

              • Oct 2005
              • 12080

              Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

              You hould use multipart form data which covers all cases.

              Not sure what you have done with the hidden fields. Yes, if a radio group or checkbox is not selected, the hidden field value will come before the others, you can't avoid this.

              Your only alternative is ABVFP and the database as per my previous post, OR to create a custom made form processor.
              Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
              Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
     Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
              Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


              • Albert C

                • Jan 2010
                • 12

                Re: Help: want csv file not to be public

                Thanks again. Let me try to explain again what happened and maybe you can help.
                I fill out every field and check all boxes on my form:

                here's what I get (fields up to "Aventura" ok, the rest come blank, then I get the text boxes ok):

                Values submitted from web site form:
                Sí Deseo Que Me Agreguen A Su Lista De Correos : sí deseo que me agreguen a su lista de correos
                Agencia Mayorista : Agencia Mayorista
                Agencia Minorista : Agencia Minorista
                Línea Aérea : Línea Aérea
                Línea De Cruceros : Línea de Cruceros
                Pagina De Internet Del Giro : Pagina de internet del giro
                Medio Especializado Del Giro : Medio Especializado del Giro
                Medio Publicitario : Medio Publicitario
                Operador De Tours : Operador de Tours
                Operador De Charters : Operador de Charters
                Organizador De Exposiciones : Organizador de Exposiciones
                Organizador De Congresos : Organizador de Congresos
                Organizador De Convenciones : Organizador de Convenciones
                Hotel O Cadena : Hotel o Cadena
                Restaurante O Cadena : Restaurante o Cadena
                Arendadora De Automóviles : Arendadora de automóviles
                Entidad De Gobierno : Entidad de Gobierno
                Empresa En Busca De Destinos : Empresa en busca de destinos
                Gran Empresa En Busca De Destinos : Gran empresa en busca de destinos
                Público En General : Público en general
                Internet : Internet
                Liga Desde Otra Página Web : Liga desde otra página web
                Invitación Por Correo Electrónico : Invitación por correo electrónico
                Invitación Vía Telefónica : Invitación vía telefónica
                Otra Expo Del Medio : Otra expo del medio
                Revista : Revista
                Periódico : Periódico
                Radio O TV : Radio o TV
                Volante : Volante
                Folleto : Folleto
                Póster : Póster
                Promocional : Promocional
                Cámara O Asociación : Cámara o Asociación
                Recomendación : Recomendación
                Invitación De Un Expositor : Invitación de un expositor
                Sol Y Playa : Sol y Playa
                Paisaje : Paisaje
                Naturaleza : Naturaleza
                Parques Acuáticos : Parques Acuáticos
                Parques Temáticos : Parques temáticos
                Cultura : Cultura
                Arquitectura : Arquitectura
                Historia : Historia
                Religión : Religión
                Folclore : Folclore
                Carnaval : Carnaval
                Ferias : Ferias
                Tradiciones : Tradiciones
                Comercial : Comercial
                Shopping : Shopping
                Relajación : Relajación
                Médico : Médico
                Gastronomía : Gastronomía
                Vinos : Vinos
                Deporte : Deporte
                Ecoturismo : Ecoturismo
                Aventura : Aventura
                Negocios :
                Actualización :
                Capacitación :
                Motivación :
                Convenciones :
                Congresos :
                Simposiums :
                Entretenimiento :
                Conciertos :
                Estudios :
                Idiomas :
                Armar Paquetes :
                Conocer Qué Recomendar :
                Ampliar Abanico De Proveedores :
                Llevar Acabo Negocio Con Nuevas Agencias :
                Conocer Nuevos Destinos Turísticos :
                Desarrollar Complejos Turísticos :
                Ofrecer Soluciones Más Integrales :
                Organizar Cumbres :
                Organizar Congresos O Eventos :
                Organizar Convención :
                Analizar Si Debo Ser Expositor En El Futuro :
                Abrir Nuevo Negocio :
                Diversificar Productos Y Servicios :
                Profundizar En El Conocimiento Del Mercado :
                Penetrar En El Mercado :
                Abrir Nichos De Mercado :
                Globalizar :
                Estudiar La Competencia :
                Establecer Alianzas Estratégicas :
                Analizar Fusiones Y Adquisiciones :
                Crear Nuevas Divisiones De Negocio :
                Descubrir Nuevas Oportunidades De Negocio :
                Organizaciones De Turismo :
                Países Latinoamericanos :
                Estados Latinoamericanos :
                Ministerios De Turismo :
                Espectáculos :
                Performances :
                Shows :
                Teatro :
                Ralleys :
                Eventos Especiales :
                Hoteles :
                Líneas Aéreas :
                Empresas De Transporte :
                Cruceros :
                Arrendadoras De Automóviles :
                Centros De Convenciones :
                Centros De Exposiciones :
                Centros De Exhibición :
                Centros De Curación Y Salud :
                Enoturismo :
                Gastroturismo :
                Destinos Sol Y Playa :
                Destinos De Golf :
                Spa :
                Casinos :
                Restaurantes :
                Bares :
                Discotheques :
                Museos :
                Casas De Cultura :
                Momento De Compra :
                Rol De Compra :
                Area - Cargo :
                Tamano De Empresa :
                Ventas Anuales :
                Tipo De Cargo :
                Empresa : Empresa
                Cargo : Cargo
                Nombres : Nombres
                Apellido Paterno : Apellido Paterno
                Apellido Materno : Apellido Materno
                Género : masculino
                Dirección Línea 1 : Dirección L1
                Dirección Línea 2 : Dirección L2
                Código Postal : 00000
                Ciudad : Ciudad
                Estado : Estado
                Teléfono : Tels
                País : Mexico
                Email : al.capetillo******
                Otro (tipo De Visitante) : otro

