I have created a page with a simple form, requesting a visitor email, before they are directed to a download page I created with some free reports. The form only asks for a name and email. When I created the form I gave the success page the name url of the page titled freereports.html which is located in the public folder. When I test the form page, I get the following error: file:///C:User/c2cash/AppData/.Local?Temp/preview/%3C?%20echo($_SERV["PHP_SELF']);?%3E, the success page is www.thedoncarloscontreras.com/freereports.html
my site is www.doncarloscontreras.com
I have view the three videos on this form and still can't fix this problem
my site is www.doncarloscontreras.com
I have view the three videos on this form and still can't fix this problem