can anyone help with a script for my form. The form can be found at www.lionegg.co.uk/temp.html its only a small form, all fields are required and i need the image (with size limit) to be recieved as an attachment with the rest of the information when it is sent. I understand it currently goes to a default folder but this would not be good for me (and when previously testing i couldnt even find this folder!). Thank-you in advance.
can anyone help with a script for my form. The form can be found at www.lionegg.co.uk/temp.html its only a small form, all fields are required and i need the image (with size limit) to be recieved as an attachment with the rest of the information when it is sent. I understand it currently goes to a default folder but this would not be good for me (and when previously testing i couldnt even find this folder!). Thank-you in advance.