help creating sign up and login pages with bluevodas sign up and log in buttons

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  • tappotown1

    • Nov 2012
    • 4

    help creating sign up and login pages with bluevodas sign up and log in buttons

    ok ive got this and now when i create a sign up im now getting the emails to my email that says theres a new user , now when i use the dummy signup to login how do i get the page to point to my login page at ./successfullloginpage.php then that page is supposed to redirect useing the user redirect button to redirect to ./welcometotappotownclowning.html
    ok so now on the signup page im useing the built in sign up button when i click on it to bring up the sign up properties i have it like this
    under behavior
    admin account activation -- true
    destination page---./tappotownclowningsignuplogin.php
    under my SQL
    enable mysql---true
    database name--- is left blank
    password--- is left blank
    server--- is left blank
    table name---is left blank
    username---is left blank

    on the same page i have the login useing the built in log in button it is setup like this
    click on log in properties brings up log in properties window
    under behavior
    destination page---./successfullloginpage.php
    error page---./errorloginpage.php
    display remember me---true
    under mysql
    enable mysql---true
    database name--- left blank
    password--- left blank
    server---left blank
    table name---left blank
    username---left blank

    on the webpage for login errors i have the redirect button on it the properties for the redirect are
    redirect rules
    then access denied page is

    after that i have a successful login page at
    properties for the redirect button are
    then access denied page is
    now the page properties ( not the button properties ) under file extension
    sign up and login page---tappotownclowningsignuplogin.php
    error log in page--- html
    successful login page---html

    now should i be making an sql database for each page one for sign up users one for login users and
    also what im trying to do here is make this sign up and login as automated as i can without me having to create a new user in the control panel every time there is a new sign up . i hope you understand what im trying to do here , as with this im having a lot of difficulty trying to get this setup and up and running , actually im finding it down right confusing that it is this difficult even with the built in buttons in bluevoda , please excuse my ingnorance with this but any extended help that you can give that will make this easier to do and use would be very very appreciated !