Menu Works Here

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  • drbruce

    • May 2009
    • 14

    Menu Works Here

    Hi everyone -


    I have two menus on the site: one on top, text; one on left side, menu bar.

    Both were made using Navaldesigns's suggestion - each is a stand-alone HTML page that's pulled into the displayed page via an HTML box placed on each page. (Fantastic idea of his, BTW).

    Here's the weird part: the left-side menu-page pulled onto each page is the same for each, BUT it works on some pages, not others. Exact same menu. Constructed on each page the exact same way.

    Examples: the left menu on the "ProAdjuster Difference" page works fine. But it doesn't work on the home page. That is a MAJOR bummer.

    The main pages were ALL published as php, with the HTML code that includes the menu page. Page properties are the same on each. All the link text matches, as far as I can tell.

    And within a menu item, some of the sub-item page menus will work, some won't. (Does this make sense?)

    Why would a menu page behave differently when it's pulled onto one page, but not work when it's pulled onto another???

    How can this be fixed?
  • CarbonTerry
    Major General

    • Oct 2005
    • 2620

    Re: Menu Works Here...not there?

    Not sure here but if you have 2 separate menus using the php method you will have to name one of the menus "menu2" or a similar name and then call for "menu2".
    I'm sure ND will be along shortly to sort this out.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

    Red Hawk Archery
    Zone 5 Photo
    My USMC


    • drbruce

      • May 2009
      • 14

      Re: Menu Works Here...not there?


      Yeah, they have different names. The text menu works all the time. No problem there. The wierdness is the left menu working one page not another.

      I've looked under the HTML box for stray stuff - nothing. The menu's the same, there's only one of them in the public_html folder. The pages it sits on are almost identical, except for the top image and the text in the middle of the page. I've tried FF and IE > same result.

      I don't get it.


      • CarbonTerry
        Major General

        • Oct 2005
        • 2620

        Re: Menu Works Here...not there?

        The buttons on the left margin do work....if you move the cursor to the very edge of the button. Are you inserting the text on top of the button instead of making the text part of the button?
        I use an 2nd party menu generator and don't have a good handle on the BV menu generator features.
        Also, if you are using the php method (the Naval Design method) the pages must be php. Most of your pages are linked as html
        Semper Fi
        Still green...still mean......just not as lean

        Red Hawk Archery
        Zone 5 Photo
        My USMC


        • drbruce

          • May 2009
          • 14

          Re: Menu Works Here...not there?

          Hi CT (can I call you that?) -

          Thanks for getting back to me.
          I just got up. I'll check out what you said about the HTML link thing.

          On the home page all I get is color change on a mouse over, and no jump to other pages. There are about 5 buttons that are supposed to have drop-down sub-items that display on mouse over. On some pages that functionality exists, some not.

          Anyway, I'll double-check w3hat you said later this AM and will repost.

          Thnaks again!


          • JohnW

            • May 2009
            • 2

            Re: Menu Works Here...not there?

            When you check out your index page ( it shows that the page is loaded with errors. When you click on your mene (Left hand side) some of them still refer to html pages not php pages.

            It may be wise to delete the menu file via FTP on your website and re-publish it to ensure that you have the correct working menu.

            I use the same system on my website I have php forms and and included menu on all pages (


            • drbruce

              • May 2009
              • 14

              Re: Menu Works Here...not there?

              Hi John and everyone -

              I went to the public-html folder to look for the home page (index). It was there published as php. I deleted it, opened the index page in BV, checked the page properties extension, set it to php. Checked the code in the menu box (it's at html). Checked the menu items links. They are set to call up php pages. Republished index.

              Left menu still doesn't work on the home page (among others).

              I went to the error log - lots of errors reported, mainly as "file doesn't exist." I cannot see, on my menu page, that there are references in the links to pages that do not have a php extension. And the pages are published as php.

              The left menu can't be the problem, because it works on some pages. There must be a problem with the pages it sits on.

              From the pages where the menu works you can get to the pages where the menu doesn't work. Point of access from the home page is the top menu. So, you can get to the faulty pages, but not through them.

              Pages that don't work once you get to them are home/index, about chiropractic (a sub item from 'chiropractic and you'), chiro. and kids (sub item, same source as previous), meet the doctor (from the top menu). And there are about 11 others.

              I don't get this...


              • navaldesign
                General & Forum Moderator

                • Oct 2005
                • 12080

                Re: Menu Works Here

                Since php code is not visible on the page code, i can't really help you.

                If you wish, send me your BV pages (a couple of those working and a couple of those NOT working) so i can tell you what is wrong.
                Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
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                • drbruce

                  • May 2009
                  • 14

                  Re: Menu Works Here


                  I'll send you some pages. How do I do that?


                  • navaldesign
                    General & Forum Moderator

                    • Oct 2005
                    • 12080

                    Re: Menu Works Here

                    Use my contact form, link in my signature
                    Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                    Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
           Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                    Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                    • drbruce

                      • May 2009
                      • 14

                      Re: Menu Works Here

                      OK. Feeling kind of stupid here..I clicked on your user name, went to "visitor messages." Is that the right place?

                      Then, when I get to the right place to send a message, how to I get the page to you? Like attaching a file to a Hotmail message? If sending a link, how is that done?

                      Sorry. I've only been at this a couple of weeks. Thanks for your help.


                      • navaldesign
                        General & Forum Moderator

                        • Oct 2005
                        • 12080

                        Re: Menu Works Here

                        You see my site at my signature:

                        Go there and click on Contact to get to my contact form where you can attach the files.
                        Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                        Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
               Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                        Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                        • drbruce

                          • May 2009
                          • 14

                          Re: Menu Works Here

                          Got it. Just sent them over.


                          • drbruce

                            • May 2009
                            • 14

                            Re: Menu Works Here

                            Hello -

                            Were those what you needed?

                            I've doubled checked the links on the menu, the extensions on the pages...
                            the menues are html,
                            the HTML directs on the menu are to a HTML menu,
                            pages are all php (I checked the public_html in file manager and all my pages, except the menu, are php),
                            the links in the menu are to php pages,
                            same menu HTML is on pages that work and don't work...

                            There must be somethinng on the pages themselves, the ones that don't work - I don't think it's the menu itself, because it works on some pages.

                            But as it sits my site is pretty much useless.

                            CT - what errors are you seeing reported about the pages?


                            • CarbonTerry
                              Major General

                              • Oct 2005
                              • 2620

                              Re: Menu Works Here

                              The menu pages must be .php and the regular pages must also be .php and the links must be to the php pages

                              Several punctuation errors on the home .,,/ page. I did not check any other pages.
                              Semper Fi
                              Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                              Red Hawk Archery
                              Zone 5 Photo
                              My USMC

