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Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

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  • Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

    I want to do something quite easy. In my index page (named index.bvp), I have a link (contact). When I click on this link, I would like to have a sub page opened BUT withing the same page.... and not hiding anything...
    I would like this page (the size would be smaller than the index page), to move on the right corner of the main page....
    Now, I can't even seem to be able to call a sub-page!!!! I have tried naming the file "contact.bvp" and "contact.html".... no success!!! Everytime, the brower (Mozilla) asks me if I want to open or save the file!!!!!
    What am I doing wrong????
    Please, help!

    In fact, what I need to do is quite simple. I am a singer. So I need to build a main page with my picture, a few lines about me, some audios.... and a few links (like contact, mp3, bio, videos, photos, concerts,etc.). Each link, when clicked would open a small page within the main page.

    Before being able to do that, I should be able to call a sub-page, right?
    Thanks for helping.

  • #2
    Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

    Hi celia simply save your contact page as contact

    If you put a contact form on this page it will automatically convert it to .php
    If you don't it will convert it to .html

    A link to this page would look like (with a form)
    or (without a form)
    Happy Building



    • #3
      Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

      Thanks for your quick answer. Well, this is what I have done and I don't seem to be able to call a sub-page properly.
      In my index page, I simply create a link called "Contact". When clicking on this link, I don't want another page to be opened. I want the page (small one) to be opened on the right handside of the index page... I still want to see the rest of the index page. In the link, I put the absolute address of the file (previously created with BlueVoda... therefore it is not a html page)....
      It does not work. I tried to resize the contact page as well.... no success!!!!

      Could you help me telling me what I should do "step by step"?
      Many thanks


      • #4
        Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

        Perhaps you need to set the contact page to 'open in a pop up window' You can do this thru your 'link' button and set the size of the pop-up window as well
        The Female Zone


        • #5
          Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

          No, I don't want a pop-up page... I want the page to open within the index page but on the right handside.....


          • #6
            Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

            I want the page to appear within the index page...I wanted to set the size of the contact page. Then, when calling the contact page, the contents would be displayed on the right handside... no pop-up


            • #7
              Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

              You will need to use an IFrame to do this. Be aware that SE's cannot read content in IFrames.
              See here for starters
              Here's the rest of the story:
              You have made your links to the page you want to call up
              Set the "Target" in your "Link Properties" dialog box to the IFrame name that you have already established.
              That's it.
              When you save your pages do not add any extension. NO bvp, html, php NOTHING
              Save as index, contact, or whatever. No extensions.
              Semper Fi
              Still green...still mean......just not as lean

              Red Hawk Archery
              Zone 5 Photo
              My USMC


              • #8
                Re: Can't call a sub-page from index page!!!

                ok. I will try it tomorrow.... and will come back to you if I have problems.
                Thank you so much!

