Problem with linking pages in same site

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  • CozziemomoNZ
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2011
    • 5

    Problem with linking pages in same site

    Hi There,

    I have read threw the forum and study the tutorials of B.V and nothing i can seem to find will help solve the problem i am currently facing.

    I have finished designing all my pages for my website and all the pages are going to be under one domain. I have been threw all my pages like a siv to triple check links etc are all the same and lower case with underscores between. I started to publish my site and i got as far as the second page and this is where things started to go wrong from me.

    I published my home page as index with no problem, when i started to add more pages this is when a 404 error occurred when using the index page to check the link to the second page worked or not. I did notice in Cpanelx that both were upload and both add the suffix of PHP. when trying to rename my second page to .html it worked but delivered a black font of computer jargon up the top 1/3 of the page and when i tryed to use the link on second page to return to index it brought up a 404 error again.

    I feel sooo confused as i have done exactly what BV has told me and dont know where to go from here

    My web address is

    please help :(

    many thanks

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

    In your Sliding Menu system, you have listed URL's to your pages with Capital letters, many without space-fillers (an undescore or hyphen), and each as ".html" pages:
    1. Tabelts.html ... should be >> or >> /android_tablets.html
    2. Audio Video.html ... should be >> or >> /car_audio_video.html .... AND SO ON ....

    You need to make sure your pages are in fact saved and published as ".html" (as they should be) and that they do not have spaces or capitals in the titles. Then, you need to go back through your Menu configuration to re-enter the URL's for each link to reflect the exact page as it was created, titled, and published.

    The only page you publish as PHP is your Contact page, and you should know where to make that distinction by following the Tutorial precisely ...
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • CozziemomoNZ
      Private First Class

      • Feb 2011
      • 5

      Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

      Hi There,

      thank for the heads up about the links i missed, i am sure they would have tripped me up down the road.

      Please forgive me and i am very new to this and designing an e-commerce site makes me feel like i am in over my head some times. lol

      for my index page, i have saved as index.html and in local directories it has saved as index.bvp i have published it with both, publish all files and publish html only and it still persists to create a php index file in CpanelX

      many thanks



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

        I suggest you publish as many pages as you possibly can, even if it means publishing a blank "placeholder" page (without any real Content in the center section) until you can go back to customize it later. The point is to have a page for every link you've created, to not have a "dead link" that can score against you with the SE's and to provide the "proof" you need as you test your site structure.

        MANY ofthe URL's in your Menu system have been improperly created ... I only pointed out two as examples.
        Correct each of them, in the entire Menu and wherever else you have created navigation and/or links, especially the linked images -- all of which are improperly created.

        You need to delete any page/file with the ".php" extension other than your "Contact" page (or pages that have a FORM) either via accessing your hosting account Control Panel or by accessing via Blue FTP.

        Double-check your Page Properties of you index page to make sure you have not erroneously selected "Publish as PHP" ..... you should have "Page Extension: HTML" selected.
        Again ... the only page you will publish as ".php" is your "Contact Us" page (or any page that has an eMail FORM or other type of FORM), according to the Tutorial mentioned above.
        And, your "Contact Us" URL-link is not properly created either, being just http://www/ us with no page extension at all ...

        You need to PUBLISH only by using either the COMMAND or ICON found within Blue Voda itself, and never by uploading files to the server directly.
        You will Publish to using your User Name and Password ... again, only by using the COMMAND or ICON within Blue Voda itself.

        If after you make corrections to each of the URL's you've entered in your navigation, removed any "index.php" files from the server, and then re-published your pages properly you are still experiencing difficulties, it is clearly because you are not following the processes or methods set forth.

        Slow down, and pay attention to the details. It is not a fast process, this building of websites, and it requires the focus and attention to the smallest of details if you are to claim solid progress and predictable success.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Tom Finley
          Brigadier General

          • Mar 2008
          • 1303

          Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

          Very nice to see you around, Vasili!

          Looks like he has a form on the couple of pages he has published (or uploaded).
 Children's Ministry resources
          CLAMcentral's Projects Blog
 Family Fun


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

            Yezzum... ... but methinks most of the difficulty is rooted in the same-old story of working too fast on an initial impression rather than rooted in real understanding .... not understanding the relationships between URL's and links, and the differences between HTML and PHP pages and when (and how) to apply the formatting ....
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • CozziemomoNZ
              Private First Class

              • Feb 2011
              • 5

              Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

              So it is the forms that are causing it to do that?

              How can i have forms for people that want to subscribe on multiple pages with out it causing the computer jargon?


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Problem with linking pages in same site

                Originally posted by CozziemomoNZ View Post
                So it is the forms that are causing it to do that?
                How can i have forms for people that want to subscribe on multiple pages with out it causing the computer jargon? * Be sure to have each page with a different name/title, so there is no conflict between them --- and they too, need to be published as ".php" since they have a Form on them ...
                Originally posted by Vasili View Post
                You need to delete any page/file with the ".php" extension other than your "Contact" page (or pages that have a FORM) either via accessing your hosting account Control Panel or by accessing via Blue FTP.

                Double-check your Page Properties of you index page to make sure you have not erroneously selected "Publish as PHP" ..... you should have "Page Extension: HTML" selected.
                Again ... the only page you will publish as ".php" is your "Contact Us" page (or any page that has an eMail FORM or other type of FORM), according to the Tutorial mentioned above.
                And, your "Contact Us" URL-link is not properly created either, being just http://www/ us with no page extension at all ...

                Slow down, and pay attention to the details. It is not a fast process, this building of websites, and it requires the focus and attention to the smallest of details if you are to claim solid progress and predictable success.
                Bottom line, you need to digest the Tutorials a bit more, to UNDERSTAND rather than simply have an idea ....

                START AS DIRECTED ... publish your index page properly first (after deleting the improperly published index page) and then publish placeholder pages as required ... one for every link. THEN re-review the manner in which you need to publish your Form pages, and do it precisely.

                There is nothing more to post ... it is up to you to follow directions and to do the work as expected.
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *

